Chapter 13: Lecture lung part 1 Flashcards
What topics of the lung will be discussed? (you obv don’t have to learn this, just to show you what you can expect)
• Normal anatomy/histology • Obstructive lung disease • Restrictive lung disease • Vascular diseases • Lung infections • Lung tumors
What is the main function of the lungs?
Gas exchange (O2 and CO2)
How much m2 is there in the lungs for gas exchange?
143 m2! (don’t learn by heart)
Through what infrastructure/logistics is the gas exchange in the lungs possible?
- conducting airways - conducting vessels - innervation - defence (of hazards)
The air enters the lungs by a system. How is this system called?
Tracheobronchial system
Which muscles support the lungs?
Diafragm and intercostal muscles
What devices can be used for medical imaging (beeldvormend onderzoek) of the lungs?
- X-thorax - CT - MRI - ultrasound - bronchioscopie (more invasive)
There are two types of examination for the lung in the pathology department. which two?
Cytology and histology
How/what is studied in cytology?
Cells (fluid is extracted): - sputum - broncho alveolair lagae (BAL) - Bronchial brush - Fine needle aspiration - pleural effusion
How/what is studied in histology?
Tissue (biopsy) - Lymph node biopsy - Bronchial biopsy - Core needle biopsy - Open lung biopsy - Surgical resection
Explain, from out- to inside the layers of cells in trachea (bronchi)
Cartilage - (seromucinous) glands - epithelium - lumen
What layers/structures can be distinguished in bronchioli?
No cartilage/glands! Alveoli, smooth muscle, epithelium, pulmonary arteries/veins
True/false: the cells change from ciliated simple columnar / cuboid epithelium to goblet cells the further you go into the lung
Are there microvilli or cilia in the lungs?
Cilia! (microvilli are in the intestine)
In which direction do cilia move?
Towards the mouth / upwards
Fill in: Because of smoking *mucous/squamous cells can change to *mucous/squamous* epithelium
mucous and squamous, respectively
During what circumstances/syndromes can the ciliary movement be disturbed?
Ciliary dyskinesia syndrome (without situs inversus), kartagener syndrom (with situs inversus) and smoking.
((In both syndromes -> the disturbed cilia affect the airways which result in dilation of the bronchi -> bronchiectasis))
At which part of the lung does gas exchange take place?
What type of cells line the alveoli?
Type 1 and 2 pneumocytes (you don’t need to know what they do etc)