Chapter 1.9 - Environmental Hazards Flashcards
Earthquakes occur at
sliding plate boundaries
At a constructuve plate boundary the plates are forced in opposite directions causing rocks in these
areas to be put under a great deal of tension. Eventually the tension snaps and the plates move sharply causing shock waves (earthqauke)
At a destructive plate boundary oceanic plate is being forced under the continental plate because
the oceanic plate is denser, this is known as subduction.
At a sliding plate boundary the plates forced in opposite directions causing rocks to be put under a
great deal of tension. eventually the rocks break and move sharply, causing shock waves to travel to the earth’s surface.
The source of shockwaves is called the
focus and the point immdeiately above it is the epicentre
The P waves cause rocks to
move up and down and are the fatest type of wave
The S waves cause sideways movement
of rocks and move at about 2/3 of the speed of ‘p’ waves
Shockwaves can be measured using a
The scale used to determine an earthqauke strength is the
Richter scale
Volcanoes are found near boundaries of crustal plates. The most active volcanoes are located through the
Mediterranean area along the edge of the Pacific Ocean - The Pacific Ring of fire
At a constructive plate boundary volcanoes are formed when the two plate move apart. Magma
rises to fill the gap caused by the plate movement. The magma cools and soldifies to form new crust. Sometimes a large build results in the formation of a new volcano
At a destructive boundary the oceanic plate is being froced under the continental plat because the oceani is denser this is known as subduction. The
crust melts because of the intense heat and pressure in the mantle. It become molten rock. The molten rock will make it’s way to the surface through cracks and fissures in the continental crust forming volanoes.
Mt St Helens erupted on May the
18th 1980 at 8:32 am
Mt St Helens killed
- 7000 animals including bear, 12 million salmon, 61 people were killed.
- Trees were destroyed up to 25km away and the mudflow destoyed bridges, houses and logging camps.
- The ash caused flights to be cancelled and 90% of the people killed were outside the exclusion zone.
- £100 million worth of damage was done to farmers machinery.
- It cost £1million just to remove the ash from the town of Yakum. A
- n estimated £3 billion worth of damage was caused.
Mt st helens aid
- Short Term:
- 198 people rescued
- exclusion zone
- Long Term:
- £700 million was donated by government
- 1 million trees replanted
- Tourist facilities attractin 3 million a year
- new highway
- New salmon hatchery
The Haiti Earthquake took place on
January the 12th 2010 at 6:22am
The Haiti Earthquake, there were
- 220,000 deaths, 300,000 people injured
- 1.5 million became homeless
- 4000 schools damaged
- land sunk below sea level
- rivers became polluted due to humane waste
- caused $7.8 billion of damage
- 105,000 homes were destroyed causing $2.3 billion in damage
- Haiti was unable to export
The Haiti Earthquake aid was
- $330 million by the Eu for re-building
- The Sengalese offered land
- Dominican Republic offered support and accepted refugees
- $1.1 billion was donated by charities
- 2% of this money has been released
- 1million people still displaced
Tropical storms form between the
tropics of Cancer and Capricorn
For a tropical storm to form the conditions must be
- water at 60 meteres in depth
- 27 degrees in temperature
- 60% humidity
- Low air pressure
The formation of a tropical storm begins with warm, damp air rising apidly and begining to spiral because
of the spinning of the earth. The warm air cools and as it rises the vapour condenses to form clouds and rain. The air spreads out high in the atmosphere and as more air rises and spreads more air is sucked in
Hurricane Katrina took place on
Monday the 29th of August at 6:10am 2005
Katrina effects were
- More than 1800 people were killed
·300,000 houses were destroyed - 3 million people were left without electricity
- There were looting and rapes after the hurricane.
- A day after the Hurricane around 80% of the city is underwater.
- 1 in every 10 bridges in New Orleans has collapsed.
- Total of $300 billion of damage
- 230,000 of jobs were lost from businesses that were damaged or destroyed
- 30 offshore oil platforms sunk or went missing. This increased the price of fuel.
Hurricane Katrina short term Aid was
- FEMA helped co-ordinate the rescues
- Governments and charities (Red Cross) go in with blankets, food and water.
- During the storm, the coast guard, police, fire service, army and volunteers rescued over 50,000 people.
- Helicopters rescue people and also air lift people to hospital.
- About 25,000 people were given at the Louisiana Superdome immediately after the storm.
Hurricane Katrina long term aid was
- The US government has spent over $800 million on re-building flood defences
- Around $34 billion has been set aside for the re-building of things like houses and schools.
- Money donated from all across the USA and other countries (70).
- Kuwait made the largest donation of $500 million.
- Army clean up city.