Chapter 19 Biotechnology Flashcards
applicationo of technology that involves us of animals/plants for the developtment of products that benefit humans.
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO’s)
Animals or plants that have recieved genetic material via recombinant DNA technology
When an organism has recieved genetic material from another species.
Gene from one species introduced into another species
Uses of Microorganisms in Biotech
Production of Insulin and human growth hormones
Human Insulin
Produced by recombinant DNA technology
*Have to do reverse transcription
Biological Control
Use of living organisms to alleviate plant disease or damage from the enviroment
BT (Bacillus thuringiensis)
BT is used to protect crops against caterpillars and beetles. It is a naturally occuring bacterium that, when injested by bugs, causes paralysis in the digestive systerm. It is not harmful to humans and “Good Insects”.
It is used to protect cotton.
Nonrecombinant Category
-Alteration in the genetic CHARACTER
(aquistion of naturally occuring plasmids or mutogenesis
Controversy with Pseudo-monas Syringae
Recombinant used to control frost damage
Ice+ produces proteins that promote frosting in plants
A genetically engineered version with Ice- which does not produce frost bite proteins was created.
It was tested and proved successful but public opinion caused it to never be used
Use of living orgs or their products to decrease pollutants in the enviroment
process used in bioremediation.
Use microrganisms that produce enymes that modify a toxic pollutant by ALTERING OR TRANSFORMING structure.
A result of biotranformation in which the pollutant is degraded, resulting in less complex NONTOXIC metabolites
Polymerization/ Oxidation reduction
Biotransformation without biodegredation. Aids in toxitidity of organisms because polymerized toxic compounds are less likely to leach from the soil
Gene Replacement
Replacement of normal gene with cloned gene via HOMOLOGOUS recombination. More common in bacteria and Yeast
Gene Knockout
When the cloned gene is rendered inactive. This allows researcheres to study how loss of function of a gene affects the organism
Gene Addition
Cloned gene introduced into the genome via NONHOMOLOUGOUS recombination. Both cloned and normal gene will be present.
Molecular Pharming
Introduction of medically important proteins into the mammary gland of animals
How to Express human genes in Domestic Animal Milk
Must insert human hormone gene next to B-lactoglobulin promoter. Inject this DNA plasmid into sheep ooctye. Plasmid DNA intergrates. Place oocyte in female sheep. She will give birth to transgenic offspring which will then produce milk with the human hormone needed. `
First Cloned Mammal
How did it work?
Dolly the sheep cloned by Ian Wilmut.
You have a donor sheeps mammary cells and an unfertilized egg from another sheep with the nuclues removed. The mammary cells are fused with donor egg. The maternal proteins within enucleated egg initiate development of egg to embryo. Embryo but in surregate ewe. Sheep indentical to donor sheep is produced.
Problem with Dolly
She died early because telomeres where already shorter due to the donor sheep being six years old
Stem cells
- Have the capacity to differenitate into one or more specialized cell types.
- supply the cells that construct our bodies from a fertilized egg
Stem cell that can give rise to all cell types in an organism. Ex: Fertillized egg
Can differentiate into ALMOST all cell types but can not produce an entire individual. Ex: embryonic stem cells embryonic germ cells
Embyronic stem cells are found where?
In the inner cell mass of the blastocyst (pluripotent)
Embyronic Germ Cells found where?
Found in gonads in early fetal stages of developtment (pluripotent)
Cells that can differientiate into MANY cell types but not nearly as many as pluripotenet
Ex: HSC’s found in bone marrow can only produce blood and lymphoid tissue
Differentiate into a single cell type
Ex; Adult cells (like primordial germ cells in testies that can only turn into sperm)
Agrobacteriam tumefaciens
Used to produce transgenic plants
Gene Therapy
Introduction of cloned genes into living cells to treat disease.
*involves viral and nonviral gene transfer
Human Gene Therapy via nonviral gene Transfer
DNA-Liposome complex taken into target cell via endocytosis. Liposome degrades DNA released into cytosol. DNA imported into nuclus. By recombination, dNA carrying gene of interst is integrated into the target cell chromosomes
Human Gene Therapy via viral gene transfer
Retrovirus taken into target cell via endocytosis. Viral coat degraded into two copies of RNA genome which are released into cytosol. RNA REVERSE TRANSCRIBED to DNA and that is transported to nuclues. By Recombination, the viral DNA carrying gene of interest is integrated into chromosome of target cell.
Adenosine Deaminase Deficiency Experiment
ADA cells that are inactive result in destruction of lmphocytes causing immune defficiency. This experiment was the first inherited gene treated with gene therapy.. The ADA deficient lymphocytes were removed from pateint. Cultured in a lab and infected with a retrovirus that contained normal ADA gene. These inserted DNA into host cell chromosome as part of reproductive cycle
Aerosol Spray used to treat Cystic Fibrosis
Functional copy of CF gene inserted into Adenovirus vector and inhaled to inject lung cells