Chapter 13 Translation of mRNA Flashcards
Structural Genes
Genes that encode an Amino Acid sequence
What is the primary role of DNA?
To store all the information needed to make the proteins that an organism needs to survive
mRNA (Messenger RNA)
RNA transcribed from structural genes
Archibald Garrod
Proposed that there is relationship between genes and enyzme production due to his observation of the autosomal recessive disease alkaptonuria (not having the enzyme homogentisic acid oxidase so your body has an excess of alkapon in the blood)
Beedle and Tatum Expirement
Hypothesized that one gene encodes one enzyme. They tests this hypothesis on bread mold (required little nutrients only carbon source (sugar), organic salts, and vitamin biotin). They plated a culture with these three things and then exposed the cultures to x-ray lights to create mutant enzymes. The results of the metabolic pathway of methionine showed that one gene did code for one gene BUTTTT there are exceptions to this statement
Shortcomings of one gene-one enzyme hypothesis
1) Proteins do WAY more than just act as enzymes
2) Some proteins have more than one polypeptide
3) Many genes do not encode polypeptides
4) One gene can encode many polypeptides
Start Codon
First Codon that begins the polypeptide sequence AUG
Stop Codon/Termination
Ends the polypeptide sequence UAA, UAG, UGA
three nucleotide sequences in tRNA that are complimentary to the codons in mRNA
Multiple codons represent the same amino acids
Synonymous Codons
Codons that represent the same amino acid
Ex: GGU GGC GGA GGG- glycine
Wobble Base
Third base in codon can change and not effect what amino acid is encoded
What is inborn error of metabolism?
a connection betwee function of gene and production of enzymes
What is translation?
Conversion of mRNA to proteins
What is genetic code?
sequences of bases within mRNA molecule read in groups of three
What are copolymers?
Synthesized RNA strands that help decipher genetic code
What is an RNA triplet?
RNA molecule containg three nucleotides