Chapter 19: Benign Breast Lesions Flashcards
Patient presents with pain, swelling and redness of the breast during the postpartum period.
What is the diagnosis? What is the most likely cause? What will help it resolve?
Diagnosis = Acute Mastitis Cause = Staphylococcus or Streptococcus infection Treatment = Continued lactation or antibiotics
Patient presents with a hard mass in their breast, a biopsy demonstrates hemorrhage, cholesterol clefts and acute inflammation.
What is the diagnosis? What would likely be in the history that the patient may have neglected to tell you?
Diagnosis = Fat necrosis History = Trauma
Multifocal, bilateral, nodularities within the breast occasionally associated with pain in a reproductive age woman.
What is the diagnosis? What would the histology likely show?
Diagnosis = Fibrocystic non-proliferative breast changes Histology = Fibrofatty tissue with multiple "Blue Dome" cysts, aprocine cells with eosinophilic cytoplasm
A mobile, painless, well defined breast lump in a reproductive age Afro-caribbean woman. On ultrasound the lesion is an oval sharply demarcated from surrounding breast tissue. The biopsy shows a spindle cell stroma with normal epithelial components.
What is the diagnosis? What risk of malignancy?
Diagnosis = Fibroadenoma Risk = Doubled (according to the Q&A book and Uptodate, Rubins does not agree and says there is NO increased risk)
The patient described above decided to not have her fibroadenoma removed, she returns 2 years later concerned that the mass seems to have grow dramatically in the past few months. What is the likely cause of this change?
Pregnancy will induce rapid growth the fibroadeoma since the tumor is hormonally driven.
(note: Menopause will bring about the end of growth in most cases)
Name the 4 proliferative breast diseases. What is the cancer risk associated with these conditions?
Usual epithelial hyperplasia, Sclerosing adenosis, Radial scar, and Intraductal papilloma
2-3x risk of cancer
A 60 year old woman discovers a rapidly growing breast mass, the ultrasound demonstrates a well circumscribed mass. Pathology after its removal shows a gray-white firm mass with hypercellularity, abundant mitoses, and a leaf like growth pattern.
What is the diagnosis?
Malignant phyllodes tumor