Chapter 19 & 20: Government Intervention and Failure Flashcards
Why is government intervention necessary?
- To support firms
- To correct market failure
- To promote equity
- To support low-income households
- To collect government revenue
Explain how and why governments collect revenue
Governments need money to provide essential services, public and merit goods. Revenue is raised through taxation, sale of licenses, sale of goods/services and privatization.
Explain how and why governments correct market failure.
In many markets, there is a less than optimal allocation of resources from society’s point of view. In maximizing their self-interest, firms and individuals will not self-correct this allocation and governments need to do so. They influence the level of production or consumption.
Explain why governments promote equity.
To reduce the opportunity gap between the rich and poor.
Explain why governments support firms.
To help them remain competitive in a global economy
Explain why governments support low-income households.
Poverty has multiple impacts on both the individual and the economy - intervention seeks to redistribute the income (tax the rich and give to the poor) so as to reduce the impact of poverty
What are the most common methods of government intervention?
- Indirect taxation
- Use of subsidies
- Maximum prices and minimum prices
- Tradable pollution permits
- Extension of property rights (creating laws to protect property such as ideas, songs, etc.)
- State provision (when a nationalized industry is the main provider of a good/service)
- Regulation (rules/directives of a government)
- Provision of information