Chapter 19 Flashcards
A gene that must be expressed continually for the cell to survive.
housekeeping gene
The continual expression of a gene.
constitutive gene expression:
The conditional expression of a gene based on the cellular need for the gene product, achieved by the presence or absence of activators, repressors, enhancers, and other regulatory factors.
regulated gene expression
The positive regulation of the expression of a gene or genes.
A decrease in the expression of a gene in response to a change in the activity of a regulatory protein.
In eukaryotes, a protein that affects the regulation and transcription initiation of a gene by binding to a regulatory sequence near or within the gene and interacting with RNA polymerase and/or other transcription factors.
transcription factor
(1) A DNA-binding protein that positively regulates the expression of one or more genes; that is, transcription rates increase when an activator is bound to the DNA.
(2) A positive modulator of an allosteric enzyme.
A protein that binds to the regulatory sequence or operator for a gene, blocking its transcription.
A DNA sequence involved in regulating the expression of a gene; for example, a promoter or operator. Also called a regulatory site.
regulatory sequence
The increased expression of a gene by the binding of an activator protein.
positive regulation
The decreased expression of a gene due to the binding of a repressor protein.
negative regulation
The characteristic of an enzyme or other protein in which binding of the first molecule of a ligand changes the affinity for the second molecule. In positive cooperativity, the affinity for the second ligand molecule increases; in negative cooperativity, it decreases.
The interaction of proteins bound at distant sites on a DNA molecule so that the intervening DNA forms a loop.
DNA looping
A DNA sequence that facilitates the expression of a given gene; it may be located a few hundred, or even thousand, base pairs away from the gene. In yeast, enhancers are called upstream activator sequences (UASs).
A protein that stimulates transcription by binding both the RNA polymerase and an activator or activators, without binding the DNA directly.