Chapter 18 Flashcards
what is final psychological conflict according to eriksons theory?
ego integrity versus despair
what does the final psychological conflict involve?
it involves coming to terms with ones life
what do adults with ego integrity feel?
feel whole, complete, satisfied with achievements
what do adults on the despair side feel?
feel many decisions were wrong, yet time is now too short
what is gerotranscendence?
a cosmic and transcendent perspective directed beyond the self to affinity with past and future generation and oneness witht he universe
what is gerotranscendence beyond?
it is beyond ego integrity
what is reminiscence?
telling stories about the past
what is self focused reminiscence?
linked to adjustment problems
what is knowledge based reminiscence?
effective problem solving strategies, teaching young people
what is other focused reminiscence?
solidifies relationship
How do adults who are high in neuroticism cope with stress?
Adults who are high in neuroticm emotionally negative, short tempered and dissatisfied tend to cope poorly
with stressful events
what is the dependency support script?
dependent behaviors are attempted to immediately
what is the independence- ignore script?
independent behaviors are mostly ignored
what age group has the highest suicide rate?
people age 85 and older
what triggers rapid decline to depression?
giving up
what are the risk factors for late life depression?
disease, nursing home, social isolation, inability to care for others
what is social support in late adulthood associated with?
reduced stress, promote health and well being
what do older adults desire to do when they receive social support?
older adults desire to reciprocate
what does formal support accomplish?
Formal support relieves caregiving burden and aging adults feeling of dependency
what do most aging adults strive to maintain?
a personal system
what is a personal system to an older adult?
an identity and a set of personality by ensuring consistency between their past and anticipated future
what predicts satisfaction in nursing homes?
interaction with people outside of nursing home
are older couples who cohabitate as satisfied as married couples and what does it result in?
yes and results in a more stable relationship
what is the most frequent reported type of elder maltreatment?
neglect, emotional and financial abuse
who commits elder maltreatment and what is a major concern?
usually a trusted family member or caregiver and nursing homes are a major concern
what do FMRI’s show?
they map activity changes throughout the brain
Added years of longevity and health plus financial stability have granted
an active, opportunistic time of life to so many older adults that some
experts believe a new phase of late adulthood has evolved known as
the third age
Women’s - may lead them to feel less need to remarry following the
death of a spouse
kin keeper role
Retired adults who are - are more engaged in leisure activities and
volunteer service
higher in self efficacy
Which statement is true about personality traits in late adulthood?
a flexible, optimistic approach to life is common
Overwhelmingly, aging adults in western nations
remain living in or near their old home
marital dissatisfaction takes a greater toll on who?
women than on men
Which statement is true about the risk factors of elder maltreatment?
many perpetrators of abuse are emotionally of financially dependent on their victims
which is true about retirement satisfaction?
retirement can enhance marital satisfaction by granting companionship
what skills do older adults who volunteer with experience corp acquire?
tutoring and behavior management of children