Chapter 15 Flashcards
Presbycusis (“old hearing” ): between ages 45-64 is the initial what? what is more difficult to make?
Initial decline in sensitivity to high frequencies ; grad Extends to a ll frequencies.
speech more difficult to make out
Forehead : Starting in thirties · crow feet : Forties
when do age spots start to show up?
Age spots after age 50
wrinkles are fasters with?
Faster with sun exposure, and for women
Muscle fat
Increase in body fat and loss of muscle and bone
Middle-age spread common: fat gain in torso men
men : Upper abdomen, back · women:Waist, Upper arms
Skeleton… bones?
Bones broaden but become more porous
who is at greater risk for porous bones?
what does a loss of bone strength cause?
Loss of bone strength causes the disks in the spinal column to collapse
· Height may drop
reproduction: increasing complaints…?
increases complaints about sexual functioning
decreased skin…?
Decreased skin elasticity, loss of bone mass.
Benefits of hormone therapy
educes hot flashes and vaginal dryness Some protection against bone loss
Frequency of sexual activity among heterosexual couples…
Sexuality in middle adulthood: best predictor
B e s t Predictor is relationship satisfication
Intensity of response declines
s lo w e r arousal due to clim acteric: Sex still important
Partner availability
what are the leading causes of death?
Cancer and cardiovascular disease are the leading causes of death *
leading incidence?
Leading cancer incidence is lung cancer due to cigarette smoking
patients with familial breast cancer…
Patients with familial breast cancer who respond poorly to treatment have either Brca genes
different heart attack symptoms?
women experience extreme fatigue, dizziness, palpitations, pain in upper back or arm, as well as
intense anxiety
what are type A people like and what do they have an increased risk of?
competitive , Impatient, angry, hostile
·Increased risk of heart attack
what are angry outbursts and what do they predict?
angry outburst, predicts heart disease, greater risk if high blood pressure and atherosclerosis
what is surprised hostility also linked to?
high blood pressure and heart disease
in order to manage stress during an illness you should focus on? conider? do what regularly?
reevaluate situation
Focus on events you can control view life as Fluid
consider alternatives reasonable goals
· Exercise regularly.
what should we teach people to in regards to illness?
assertive rather than hostile and to negotiate rather then explode; interrupts the
sponse between stress and illness
how do you teach people to be assertive rather than hostile?
delay responding, mentally distracting behavior, calm self controlled, problem solving
what does crystalized intelligence depend on?
· accumilated knowledge
good judgment
mastery o f social conventions
what is crystallized intelligence valued by?
valued by a person’s culture
when does crytstallized intelligene peak and when does it decline?
it peaks in midlife and declines in 80s
what does fluid intelligence depend on?
basic information processing skills
what three things make up fluid intelligence?
Detecting relationship among visual stimuli · speed of analyzing Information
working memory
what are the three changes in executive function during middle adulthood?
declines in working memory, reduced inhibition, flexible shifting of attention more challenging
what suffers more in declining working memory?
spatial suffers more than verbal
what does reduced inhibtion cause?
- evident on continuous performance tests
- causes older adults to appear distractible
in regards to attention, what becomes significantly harder?
substaining two tasks simultaneously, switching between mental operations is harder
in regards to slower information processing, there is a deterioration in what as you move through what?
Deteriorating in neural connections
Information loss as move through cognitive system
as you move through the cognitive system, the whole system does what?
whole system slows down to inspect and interpret information
what other three declines occur that predict the deteorioration of neural connectios?
declines in vision, hearing and executive function, especially working memory
what is semantic memory?
general knowledge base
what is procedural memory?
such as how to drive a car or solve a math problem
what is metacognitive knowledge?
process of thinking about ones own thinking and learning
what three reasons cause the Ability to recall studied information to decline?
- reduced use of memory strategies
- Harder to retrieve Info from long-term memory
- difficulty keeping attention on relative info
what are two things adults can do to compensate loss of memory?
self paced tasks, training in strategies
what are three reasons returning students don’t get their degree?
Ability to handle academic work Aging, gender, and ethnic stereotypes
Role overload
The leading causes of death in middle age are?
cancer and CVD
Cancer death rates increases sharply as ____decreases
What type of intelligence begins to decline in the twenties
by midlife what happens to the retina?
half the rods in the retina are lost
Which statement is true about loss of bone strength in middle adulthood
loss of bone strength causes the disks in the spinal cord to collapse
who is more vulnerable to disability and illness in midlife?
men are more vulnerable than women to most problems in midlife
Women age 65 and older taking HRT
have an elevated risk of developing alzheimers
Women with either BRCA mutations are
ikely to develop early-onset breast cancer
Merrill has a buildup of plaque in his coronary arteries, which encircle his heart and provide its muscle
oxygen and nutrients. Merrill has
Middle-aged adults tend to be rational decision makers because they
use practical problem solving skills