Chapter 18 Flashcards
WHO defines Health Promotion as __
the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve their health
risk reduction (examples)
- eat healthy
- exercise 150 minutes/week
- immunizations
- maintain healthy weight
- avoid smoking
- limit alcohol
- wear seat belts and don’t speed
- improve strength to lessen falls
- prevent STI’s
leading causes of death for women in the U.S.
- heart disease (22.3%)
- cancer (21.6%)
- chronic respiratory disease (6%)
- stroke (6%)
- alzheimer’s disease (5%)
- accidents (3.9%)
- diabetes (2.7%)
- flu and pneumonia (2.2%)
- kidney disease (1.8%)
- septicemia (1.6%)
breast cancer screenings look for what genes?
- low dose x-ray
- takes image of breast
- each breast is done individually
- pressure is applied
what cannot be worn on the day of a mammagram
breast cancer: key to successful treatment
early detection
if abnormalities are found on a mammogram
- abnorms are examined by ultrasound
- biopsies may be necessary
BRACA1 & BRACA2: breast cancer risks
- gene mutation
- hereditary
if the woman is at an increased risk for breast cancer, what is recommended?
visual signs of breast cancer
- lump
- skin dimpling
- change in how nipple looks: pulling in of the nipple
- change in skin color or texture
- clear or bloody fluid that leaks out of the nipple
cervical cancer screening
pap test: papanicolaou smear
pap test (smear)
- scraping done with brush or spatula
- sent to lab for analysis
- abnormal results followed up with further testing
best time to do a pap test?
5 days after end of menses
what is not allowed 48 hours prior to a pap test?
vaginal meds
early detection of precancerous cervical cells
pap test (smear)
menopause stages
- perimenopause
- menopause
- post menopause
begins several years before menopause
1 year without menses
post menopause
after 1 full year of no period
menopause s/sx
- irregular periods
- hot flashes
- night sweats
- sleep disturbances
- sexual dysfunction
- psychological effects
- other
education for menopausal women
- get rest
- eat well balanced diet
- exercise
- avoid caffeine and alcohol
- hormonal therapy for severe s/sx
- wear cotton clothes to sleep
- establish regular bedtime patterns
education for menopausal women: hot flashes
- alcohol
- hot drinks
- spicy foods
- warm rooms
- smoking
dress in layers
wear cotton clothing
education for menopausal women: night sweats
- sleep in cool room
- use a fan
- wear cotton clothes
- take cool shower
education for menopausal women: sleep disturbances
- establish routine
- don’t watch tv or computer before bed
- eat early
- avoid alcohol
loss of bone mass
bone mass decreases after age
___ % of osteoporosis occurs in women
osteoporosis increases the risk for
- hip fractures
- vertebral fractures
osteoporosis s/sx
- back pain from fracture
- loss of height
- stooped posture
- bone fractures
osteoporosis risk factors
- caucasian women
- tiny thin bones
- family hx
- smokers
- inactive
- calcium and vit D deficiency
- > 3 drinks/day (alcohol)
- weight loss surgery (gastric bypass)