Chapter 17 religion test Flashcards
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Who were the judges
Temporary leaders who ruled from Joshua’s death
What is charism
A special gift from god given to a person for the good of others
What are values
Goals or ideas we belive in or hold as important or worthwhile
Who was ruth
A Moabite p woman married to a Hebrew man she stayed with her mother in law an married a man named boaz
Why o was samson
A strong man who believed his strength came from his long hair tricked by deliah
Who was naomi
Ruth’s mother in law
Who was deborah
Female judge that advised the isreqlights told Barack to fight sister a and that he would win
Who was boaz
2nd husband of Ruth ancestor of king David and jesus
Who was sisera
Leader of the Canaanite army killed by the isrealites
Who was gidion
Led isrealites against midianites god told him to keep reducing his army God led him to victory
Who was delilah
Tricked Samson into telling her the secret of his streangth cut his hair
Who was baal
Name of a pagan god worshiped by the canaanites
What does “pagan” mean
Belive in false god
What does abstain mean
To not do somthing
What three things did Samson have to abstain from in order to retain his streangth
Cutting his hair , unclean meat, drinking wine
What must he question because we should honor the truth
Media and it’s messages
Who was barak
Leader of the isrealites told by Deborah to attack the Canaanites