Chapter 17 part 2 Flashcards
The process by which fungi secrete enzymes that digest macromelecules into monomers and then absorb the small nutrient molecules into their cells.
hyphae (singular hypha)
a network of thread-like filaments that are the feeding structures of fungi
mycelium (plural mycelia)
a mass of repeatedly branching hyphae
The substance of fungi cell walls
Organisms that obtain their nutrients at the expense of living plants or animals
The symbiosis between fungi and plants. This relationship is beneficial to both parties.
heterokaryotic stage
The stage in a fungal reproductive cycle where cells contain two genetically distinct haploid nuclei.
imperfect fungi
Where asexual reproduction is the only known means of spore production in a particular fungus.
Any rapidly growing fungus that reproduces asexually by producing spores
Any single-celled fungus. Yeasts reproduce asexually by cell division, often by budding
The only fungi with flagellated spores
zygomycetes, zygote fungi
Fungi characterized by their protective zygosporangium, where zygotes produce haploid spores by meiosis
Fungi that form a distinct type of mycorrhiza in which hyphae that invade plant roots branch into tiny treelike structures known as arbuscules
ascomycetes, sac fungi
Fungi that have sac-like structures called asci that produce spores in sexual reproduction
basidiomycetes, club fungi
Fungi that are named for their club-shaped spore-producing structure, called a basidium