Chapter 17- Newborn Transitioning Flashcards
How long is the neonatal period?
first 28 days of life
What is the normal respiratory rate for infants?
30-60 breaths per minute
What is periodic breathing?
cessation of breathing that lasts 5-10 seconds without changes in color or heart rate
When do infants need further evaluation for periodic breathing?
apnea periods lasting more than 15 seconds with cyanosis and heart rate changes
What is normal heart rate for infants when born and moments after?
norm: 120-160 bpm
120-180 bpm at birth
120-130 bpm moments after birth
newborn’s primary method of heat production is though what process that brown fat (adipose tissue) is oxidized in response to cold exposure
non-shivering thermogenesis
What is conduction? and examples
transfer of heat from one object to another when the two objects are in direct contact with each other
- cold mattress, scale, circumcision board
What is convection? and examples
flow of heat from the body surface to cooler surrounding air or to air circulating over a body surface
- cool breeze that flows over the newborn; keep away from doors, windows
What is evaporation? and examples
loss of heat when a liquid is converted to a vapor
- when baby is born and covered in amniotic fluid then the air evaporates it
What is radiation? and examples
loss of body heat to cooler, solid surfaces that are in proximity but not in direct contact with the newborn
- newborn is placed in single-wall isolette next to a cold window, heat loss from radiation occurs; keep cribs and isolettes away from outside walls, cold windows, and air conditioners
What are three functions of the placenta that the liver takes over at birth?
- iron storage
- carbohydrate metabolism
- bilirubin conjugation
Jaundice is seen where? 3 specific areas
mucous membrances
3 causes of jaundice
What is meconium composed of?
amniotic fluid, shed mucosal cells, intestinal secretions, and blood
What does meconium look like?
greenish black with a tarry consistency
When is meconium passed?
within the first 12-24 hours of life
How long is the 1st period of reactivity?
30 minutes-2 hours
How long is the period of decreased responsiveness?
30-120 minutes
How long is the 2nd period of reactivity?
2-8 hours
What stage is referred to as the “sleep period”?
period of deceased responsiveness
What is neurobehavioral response?
how they react to the world around them