Chapter 17: Blood Flashcards
Functions of Blood
- distribution
- regulation
- protection
Functions of Blood: Distribution
Distribution of:
- O2 and nutrients to body cells
- metabolic wastes to the lungs and kidneys for elimination (spleen too)
- hormones from endocrine organs to target organs
Functions of Blood: Regulation
Regulation of:
- body temperature by absorbing and distributing heat
- maintain normal pH (7.35-7.45) using buffers*
- adequate fluid volume in the circulatory system- we need fluid volume for blood pressure
- homeostasis- blood uses positive feedback
Functions of Blood: Protection
Protection against:
- blood loss- plasma proteins and platelets initiate clot formation
- infection:
- antibodies
- complement proteins
- WBCs defend against foreign invaders
Blood Composition
- blood is a fluid connective tissue composed of:
1. plasma (55%)
2. formed elements (45%)- erythrocytes (RBCs)- most abundant formed element
- leukocytes (WBCs)
- platelets
- pH 7.35-7.45 (slightly basic)
- RBCs
- hematocrit
- percent of blood volume that is RBCs
- 47% +- 5 for males
- 42% +- 5% for females
Hematocrit (Hct)
= RBC / total blood volume
Centrifuging Blood
- plasma layer on top- 55% of whole blood, least dense component
- buffy coat- leukocytes and platelets, 1% of whole blood
- erythrocytes- 45% of whole blood, most dense component
- separates plasma from formed elements
- blood cell formation
- occurs in red bone marrow of axial skeleton, gridles and proximal epiphyses of humerus and femur
- most commonly in upper form of lower limbs
hemocytoblasts (hematopoietic stem cells)
- hormones and growth factors push the cell towards a specific pathway of blood cell development
How long does it take for blood to circulate to the body and back to the heart
-20-60 seconds
- red blood cell production
- goes from hemocytoblast -> erythrocyte
- takes 15 days
- color changes from blue of ribosomes to pink of hemoglobin
- complete blood cell count
- measure RBCs, leukocytes, platelets, hematocrit
- immature RBC
- sometimes bones push out reticulocytes to increase blood volume to aid mature RBCs in oxygen delivery
regulation of erythropoiesis
- too few RBCs leads to tissue hypoxia
- too many RBCs increases blood viscosity- blood moves slower and RBCs may be less effective
- balance between RBC production and destruction depends on hormonal controls and adequate supplies of iron, amino acids, and B vitamins
erythropoietin (EPO)
- hormone that stimulates erythropoiesis
- released by the kidneys in response to hypoxia
- many of the hematopoietic hormones (EPO) are used with cancer or AIDS patients to stimulate bone marrow
effects of EPO
- increases production of RBCs
- testosterone also enhances EPO production, resulting in higher RBC counts in males (Lance Armstrong)
- Dietary Requirements:
- nutrients
- iron
- vitamin B12
- folic acid
Negative Feedback Cycle
- stimulus- hypoxia due to decreased RBC count, decreased amount of hemoglobin, decreased availability of O2
- kidney (and liver to a smaller extent) releases erythropoietin
- erythropoietin stimulates red bone marrow
- enhanced erythropoiesis increases RBC count
- O2 carrying ability of blood increases
- stimulus- hypoxia due to decreased RBC count, decreased amount of hemoglobin, decreased availability of O2
- homeostasis- normal blood oxygen levels
Erythropoietin (EPO) in the blood would rise due to all the following except
- during anemia
- at high altitudes
- as a consequence of hemorrhage
- due to infection
- when blood flow to the kidney is disrupted
- production of WBCs
- stimulated by chemical messengers from bone marrow and mature WBCs
- all leukocytes originate from hemocytoblasts
- there are 5 main types of WBCs
5 types of leukocytes
- all come from a hemocytoblast
- immature WBC- bands ** (in the marrow) -> if someone has bands in their blood it is called left shift
- eosinophils- granular
- basophils- granular
- neutrophils- granular
- monocytes- agranular
- lymphocytes- agranular
Blood Plasma
- 55% of blood
- 90-92% water
- plasma proteins- contribute to osmotic pressure, most column is albumin
- nitrogenous byproducts of metabolism- lactic acid, urea, creatinine
- nutrients- glucose, lipids, amino acids, vitamins
- electrolytes- Na, K, Ca, Mg, Cl, HCO3- most abundant
- respiratory gases- O2, CO2
- hormones
Formed Elements
- RBC, WBC, platelets
- RBC majority of formed elements (99%)
- RBCs have no nuclei or organelles
- only WBCs are complete cells
- platelets are cell fragments
- most blood cells originate in bone marrow and do not divide
Erythrocyte structure and function
- RBCs are dedicated to respiratory gas transport
- biconcave
- no nucleus
- no organelles
- hemoglobin binds reversibly with oxygen
- iron atom in each heme can bind to one O2 molecule
- each Hb molecule can transport four O2
- one RBC contains about 250 million hemoglobin molecules so each RBC can transport about 1 billion molecules of O2
Life of RBC
- birth in red bone marrow
- 15 days to grow in the bone marrow
- lives for about 120 days
- dies in the spleen, macrophages destroy old and damaged RBCs
- hemoglobin is broken down and parts are either recycled or excreted
Erythrocyte disorders
- anemia
- polycythemia
- low oxygen carrying capacity
- causes- blood loss, low RBCs produced, abnormal RBC
- excess of RBC (increases viscosity)
- bone marrow cancer
- secondary polycythemia- when less O2 is available (high altitude) or when EPO production increases
- blood doping- can increase risk of MI, stroke, or blood clots
causes of anemia (dont study crazy)
- blood loss- hemorrhagic anemia
- not enough RBC produced:
- pernicious anemia- vitamin B12 intrinsic factor
- aplastic anemia- destruction of bone marrow by drugs
- RBC destroyed or abnormal hemoglobin:
- hemolytic anemia- mismatched blood
- thalassemia’s- genetic disease of Mediterranean ancestry
- sick cell anemia- abnormal hemoglobin
sick-cell disease
- normal erythrocyte has normal hemoglobin amino acid sequence in the beta chain
- sickled erythrocyte results from a single amino acid change in the beta chain of hemoglobin
RBCs are efficient oxygen transport cells. Of the following characteristics, which is the major contributor to the significant oxygen-carrying capacity of a RBC
- RBC lack mitochondria
- RBC dont divide
- RBC are biconcave discs***
- RBC contain myoglobin
oxygen binds to the _________ portion of hemoglobin
- globin
- oxyhemoglobin
- iron atom**
- amino acid
- make up <1% of total blood volume
- can leave capillaries via diapedesis*
- move through tissue spaces by ameboid motion and positive chemotaxis* (follow trail released by damaged cells)
- leukocytosis- WBC count over 11,000/mm3- normal response to bacterial or viral invasion
Never Let Monkeys Eat Bananas
- neutrophils (50-70%)- most abundant
- lymphocytes (25 - 45%)- immune
- monocytes- (3-8%) largest in size
- eosinophils
- basophils
- neutrophils
- eosinophils
- basophils
- cytoplasmic granules stain specifically with Wright’s stain
- larger and shorter lived than RBCs
- lobed nuclei
- 1st stand during an infection they attack in large numbers and eat until they die -> “phagocytic”
- BACTERIA slayers- phagocytic
- most numerous
- multilobed nucleus
- granulocyte- WBC
- digest PARASITIC worms
- elevated with ALLERGIES
- also phagocytic
- bilobed nucleus
- red cytoplasmic granules
- granulocyte- WBC
contains HISTAMINE
- promotes inflammation
- bilobed nucleus purplish-black cytoplasmic granules
- granulocyte WBC
- no granules
- lymphocytes
- monocytes
- mostly in lymph tissue
- crucial to immunity
- T cells and B cells
- largest WBC
- big eaters against viruses and bacteria
- becomes macrophage when it leaves bloodstream
What response would you expect after traveling to high altitude for two weeks
- blood levels of oxygen would remain depressed for the duration
- a surge in iron release from the liver would occur
- the kidneys would secrete elevated amount of erythropoietin
- there would be no change in blood composition***
- penia = poverty
- abnormally low WBC count
- drug induced (usually anti-cancer drugs)
- cancerous conditions involving overproduction of WBCs
- WBC are nonfunctional and cannot defend body
- treatments include irradiation, antileukemic drugs (destroys the rapidly dividing cell), and stem cell transplants
- small fragments of megakaryocytes
- NOT cells
- originate from hemocytoblasts -> fragments
- formation is regulated by thrombopoietin (hormone)
- granules contain many chemicals that aide in clotting process (serotonin, Ca, enzymes, ADP, and platelets derived growth factor
- forms a temporary plug in a broken blood vessel
- fast series of reactions for stoppage of bleeding
- vascular spasm
- platelet plug formation
- coagulation (blood clotting)
vascular spasm
- vasoconstriction of damaged blood vessel
- constricted blood vessel reduces blood loss allowing time for next 2 steps
- triggers:
- direct injury
- chemicals released by endothelial cells and platelets
- pain reflexes
platelet plug formation
- positive feedback cycle
- at site of blood vessel injury. platelets
- stick to exposed collagen fibers with the help of clotting factors (a plasma protein)
- positive feedback cycle as more platelets stick together, increase in chemical released and more platelets arrive
- intrinsic and extrinsic pathways
- set of reactions in which blood is transformed from a liquid to a gel
- reinforces the platelet plug with fibrin threads, molecular glue
- has 3 stages that use clotting factors made in liver
- clotting factors are numbered from 1 to 13
three phases of coagulation
- prothrombin activator is formed (intrinsic and extrinsic pathways) -> begins with activation of factor X
- prothrombin is converted into thrombin
- thrombin catalyzes the joining of fibrinogen to form a fibrin mesh
- starts with clotting factors and ends with fibrin mesh
clot retraction
- actin and myosin in platelets contract within 30-60 minutes
- draws ruptured edges of blood vessel more closely together
- platelets pull on the fibrin stands
- squeezing serum from the clot
clot repair
- platelet derived growth factor (PDGF) stimulates division of smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts to rebuild blood vessel wall
- growth factors stimulates endothelial cells to multiply and restore the endothelial lining
- new cells grow to repair wound site
- begins within two days, removes unneeded clots
- plasminogen in clot is converted to plasmin by tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), factor XII, and thrombin
- plasmin is a fibrin-digesting enzyme
- tPA is used for immediate treatment of heart attacks and strokes
- needs to be given within 12 hours of first signs of MI (heart attack) and within 3 hours of beginning of stroke
- not to be given if questionable bleeding
Clotting overview
- hemostasis- stops bleeding:
- vascular spasm
- platelet plug
- coagulation: formation of prothrombin activator (intrinsic/extrinsic), prothrombin to thrombin, fibrinogen to fibrin mesh
- hemostasis- stops bleeding:
- clot retraction- draws edges of blood vessel together
- clot repair- rebuild vessel wall
- fibrinolysis- plasmin digests fibrin
factors limiting clot growth or formation
- homeostatic mechanisms prevent clots from becoming large
- swift removal and dilation of clotting factors (swift blood flow)
- inhibition of activated clotting factors:
- most thrombin is bound to fibrin threads, and prevented from acting elsewhere -> fibrin acts as an anticoagulant (keeps thrombin local)
- heparin, another anticoagulant, also inhibits thrombin activity
factors preventing undesirable clotting
- platelet adhesion is prevented by:
- smooth endothelial lining of blood vessels
- antithrombic substances nitric oxide and prostacyclin secreted by endothelial cells
- vitamin E, which acts as a potent anticoagulant
the cascade of reactions leading to the formation of a fibrin mesh is called
- vascular spasm
- clot retraction
- coagulation**
- fibrinolysis
plasmin is an enzyme that
- converts fibrinogen to fibrin and forms a fibrin mesh
- causes platelets adhesion via a positive feedback cycle
- digests fibrin and dissolves a clot*
- assist in coagulation via the intrinsic pathway
thromboembolic disorders
- undesirable clot formation
- thrombus- stationary clot- DVT
- embolus- travelling clot- PE -> becomes an embolism if it wedges in a vessel
- prevented by: blood thinners (anticoagulants)
bleeding disorders
- abnormalities that prevent normal clot formation
- thrombocytopenia- decreased # of platelets
- hemophilia- hereditary bleeding disorders
history of transfusion (not on tests)
- 1667- jean baptist denis (france)- animal to human transfusion
- 1825- james blundell (british obstetrician)- human to human transfusion
- 1900- karl landsteiner (australia)- discovered blood groups
human blood groups
- humans have 30 varieties of naturally occurring RBC antigens
- antigens of the ABO and Rh blood groups cause vigorous transfusion reactions
- Rh factor- type of protein on surface of RBC
- 85% of people of Rh +
ABO blood groups
- types A, B, AB, O
- based on the presence or absence of two agglutinogen (A and B) on the surface of the RBCs
- blood may contain anti-A or anti-B antibodies (agglutinins) that act against transfused RBCs with ABO antigens not normally present
- anti-A or anti-B form in the blood at about 2 month of age
hemolytic disease of the newborn
- also called erythroblastosis fetalis
- mother is Rh neg and father is Rh + -> baby will be Rh +
- Rh- mother becomes sensitized when exposure to Rh+ blood during delivery and produces anti-Rh antibodies
- during 2nd pregnancy, antibodies cross the placenta and destroy the RBCs of an Rh+ baby
transfusion reactions
- occur if mismatched blood is infused
- donor cells:
- are attacked by the recipients plasma agglutinins (antibodies)
- agglutinate and clog small vessels
- rupture and release free hemoglobin into the bloodstream
- symptoms- skin flushing, fever, pain
- results in:
- diminished oxygen carrying capacity
- hemoglobin in kidney tubules and renal failure
restoring blood volume
- death from shock may result from low blood volume
- volume must be replaced immediately with:
- normal saline or multiple electrolyte solution that mimics plasma electrolyte composition
- plasma expanders:
- mimic osmotic properties of albumin (pulls water in)
- more expensive and may cause significant complications
suppose your blood is AB positive. This means that…
- agglutinogen A and B are present on your RBCs
- there are no anti-A or anti-B antibodies in your plasma
- your blood is Rh+
- all of the above
a clot that develops and persists in an unbroken blood vessel is called…
- embolus
- platelet
- fibrin
- thrombus
-oxygenation status
blood glucose test
- metabolic function
- increased levels in diabetics
- hemoglobin A1C
differential WBC count
-increased with infection
prothrombin time and platelet count
- assess hemostasis
- clotting mechanism
-blood chemistry profile (sequential multiple analysis with computer)
complete cell count (CBC)
-counts of different formed elements, hematocrit, hemoglobin content and size of RBC
Rh factor is not blood type
- true
- something on your blood cells that is positive or negative
- only important for delivery a baby or transfusion
Blood Type A
- has antigen A
- antibody anti-B
Blood type B
- has antigen B
- antibody anti-A
blood type AB
- have both antigen A and B
- no anti-A or anti-B antibodies in the plasma
Blood type O
- no antigen on the cell
- antibody anti-A and anti-B present
- universal donor
precursor for platelets
-produces antibodies
universal donor
universal recipient