Chapter 17 Flashcards
Separation anxiety disorder
excessive anxiety/panic when individual is separated from home, a parent or other attachment figure; persistent at least 4 weeks in children, 6 mos in adults, significant distress; 4-10 % children; CBT best
play therapy
reveal conflicts and feelings in their lives while they play
major depressive disorder
by 16 girls twice as likely as boys to be depressed (hormonal? body related?); combo CBT/drugs most effective for treatment (TADS)
disruptive mood dysregulation disorder
too many kids diagnosed bipolar; 1. severe/recurrent temper outbursts, 2. 3x/week/1 year, 3. persistent irritable/angry mood, 4. symptoms presesnt in 2+ settings, 5. 6-18 yo; childhood disorder marked by severe recurrent temper outbursts and/or angry mood.
oppositional defiant disorder
childhood disorder in which children are repeatedly argumentative and defiant, angry and irritable, and vindictive; up to 10% of kids
conduct disorder
child repeatedly violates basic rights of others and displays aggression, i.e. cruelty to people/animals, destruction of property and commissioning of crimes; 7-15 yo, 10% of children; 1. repetitive/persistent patern of behaviour, 2. 3 features in 12 mos, 3. significant impairment
types of conduct disorder
- overt drive - openly aggressive/confrontational behaviours; 2. overt-nondestructive - openly offensive but non confrontational; 3. covert-destructive - secretive destructive behaviours; 4. covert - nondestructive - secretly commit nondestructive behaviours; best treated younger than 13 - modest/moderate success - prevention might be best form of treatment
inability to focus attention, overactive or impulsive behaviour or both; 1. either of 6 symptoms of inattention or 6 symptoms of hyperactivity/impulsivity, 2. presence of symptoms before age 12, 3. symptoms in 2+ settings, 4. significant impairment; 4-9% school children, + boys; 35-60% have it as adults; maybe cause by abnormal dopamine levels; drug therapy most common
stimulant drug - ritalin - used for ADHD
repeated involuntary (sometimes intentional) bed wetting or wetting of one’s clothes; can be triggered by stressful events; decreases with age; behavioural approaches often effective
repeatedly defecating in inappropriate places, i.e. in one’s clothes, seldom at night during sleep, usually involuntary; stress/constipation triggers; behavioural and medical approaches or combination most effective treatment
autism spectrum disorder
developmental disorder marked by extreme unresponsiveness to others, servere communication defecits, and highly repetitive/rigid behaviours, interested and activities; 1. defecits in social communication/interaction incl. social emotional reciprocity, nvbl communicative behaviours, developing/maintaining relationships, 2. restrictive/repetitive patterns of behaviours, 3. onset early childhood, 4. sig impairment; 1/600 or even 1/88 kids; 80% in boys, 90% sig disabled into adulthood
exact repetition of a phrase heard
pronomial reversal
reversal of pronouns in speech
theory of mind
awareness that others base beliefs on their own beliefs, intentions, and other menal states, not on info they have no way of knowing
augmentative communication system
enhances comunication skills of individuals with autism spectrum disorder, IDD, cerebral palsy, by teaching them to paint pictures, symbols, letters etc. on a communication board/computer
Intellectual Developmental Disorder
- defecits in general mental abilities such as reasoning, planning, judgement etc., 2. impairment in adaptive functioning in at least one aspect of daily life activities such as communication, function at school or work, etc. limits necessitate ongoing support, 3. onset before age 18; 3/100 people
mild IDD
level of IDD with IQ 50-70 where people can benefit from education and can support themselves as adults; not usually diagnosed until school age as language and play skills are basically normal; stress triggers; seem to get a bit better with age
moderate IDD
IQ 35-49, people can learn to care for themselves and benefit from vocational training; delay presents earlier
severe IDD
IQ 20-34; individuals require careful supervision and can learn to perform basic work in structured and sheltered settings; increased risk for brain seizure disorder; usually physical handicaps as well
profound IDD
IQ below 20, need a very structured environment with close supervision; usually physical handicaps as well
Down syndrome
a form of IDD caused by abnormality of 21st chromosome (usually an extra one)
fragile x syndrome
second most common chromosomal cause of IDD display moderate degrees of intellectual dysfucntioning, language impairments, and behavioural problems
metabolic cause of IDD, can not break down phenylalalnine; if caught and started on a special diet before 3 mod, can develop normal intelligence
progressively lose mental function, vision and motor ability over 2-4 years and die
fetal alcohol syndrome
group of problems in a child incl lower intellectual functioning, birthweight, and irregularities in hands and face that result from alcohol intake by mother during pregnancy
principle that institutions and community residences should expose people with IDD to living conditions and opportunities similar to those found in rest of society
special ed/mainstreaming or inclusion
special class vs. including people with IDD in regular classes
sheltered workshops
protected and supervised workplaces that train people with IDD at a level tailored to their abilities