Chapter 17 Flashcards
Two of the most significant somewhat recent advancements in diagnostic ultrasound:
- Tissue Harmonic Imaging
- Contrast Harmonic Imaging
Fundamental Imaging
created by processing reflections that have the same ƒ as the transmitted sound
Harmonic Imaging
created by processing only those reflections that are twice the transmitted ƒ
the second harmonic
the harmonic ƒ is twice the fundamental ƒ
Linear behavior is proportional or symmetrical
As x increases, y increases to a proportional degree
The system responds evenly
Nonlinear behavior is nonsymmetrical or disproportionate
There is no consistent relationship between x and y
The system behaves unevenly
Tissue Harmonics
Specifically sound travels at slightly uneven speeds through soft tissue; faster through compressions and slower through rarefactions
Advantages to tissue harmonics
-Higher frequency reflections are displayed improving resolution;
-Stronger reflection return increasing signal to noise
-Harmonic signals don’t exist initially and escape the distortion caused by superficial layers of tissue
-Only strong beams generate a harmonic signal so we can be confident that reflections came from main beam, not grating lobes
Pulse Inversion Harmonics
-A typical pulse is followed by an inverted copy of the pulse
-Both pulses are combined in the receiver; destructive interference removes the fundamental frequency leaving the harmonic signal
Power Modulation is another technique to capture the harmonic signal
Two pulses sent down each scan line
First pulse is weaker
Second pulse is 2x the first (stronger generating harmonics)
Contrast Agents
UEAs – Ultrasound Enhancement Agents
are gas bubbles entrapped in a shell
UEAs are:
-Metabolically inert
-Long lasting
-Strong reflectors of US
-Small enough to pass through capillaries
Contrast Behavior
-When hit by a sound beam the microbubbles grow and shrink in relation to the pressure in the sound beam
-During high pressure the bubble shrinks, during low pressure the bubble expands
-If hit with a sufficiently strong beam, the microbubbles behave nonlinearly
-Specifically, the bubble expands to a greater degree than it shrinks (high pressure limits the degree of contraction)
Low MI beams (less than .1)
will not create harmonics because the bubbles expand and contract in a linear fashion
Intermediate MI beams (.1-1)
-create harmonics as the bubbles expand moderately more than they contract
-Most practical for clinical use
-Settings used for left heart opacification are on the low end of this range
High MI beams (> 1)
-create strongest harmonic signals as the bubbles expand greatly more than they contract
-Some bubbles expand to the point of disruption
-Disrupts too many bubbles for effective use
-trap the gas and ꜛ the life of the contrast
-are flexible and change shape (less prone to fracture)
-They ensure that the gas molecules cannot permeate the shell (remain trapped)