Chapter 17 Flashcards
the creation of an image from sound reflections at twice the frequency of the transmitted sound.
Harmonic imaging
Fundamental frequency
the frequency of sound created by the transducer and transmitted into the body
twice the fundamental frequency
Harmonic frequency
Harmonic frequency sound waves arise from _ behavior
Fundamental image
the image created by processing reflections that have the same frequency as the transmitted sound.
the image created by processing reflections that are twice the fundamental frequency.
Harmonic image
A portion of clinical studies are suboptimal because of _
sound beam distortion.
Harmonic imaging improves poor quality images because _
harmonic frequency waves undergo less distortion than fundamental sound waves.
Two forms of harmonics:
Tissue harmonics
Contrast harmonics
proportional or symmetrical
_ systems respond in an even manner
irregular or disproportionate, asymmetrical
A system is nonlinear when it behaves _
Harmonic frequency sound arises from _ behavior
As a sound wave travels in the body, a miniscule amount of energy is converted from _ to _. This conversion creates tissue harmonics during _
the fundamental frequency to the harmonic frequency.
Sound travels faster through _ and slower through _
_ creates tissue harmonics in the biologic media and alters the shape of the sound beam.
Nonlinear variation in speed
The strength of the harmonic wave _ as sound travels in tissue
During fundamental imaging, strong artifacts appear in the first few centimeters of tissue due to:
The beam being very strong
Many different superficial anatomical layers distort the
sound beam
Do tissue harmonic signals exist at superficial depths?
The use of harmonics improves _
Signal to noise ratio
The relationship between sound beam strength and harmonic creation is
Do weak sound beams create tissue harmonics?
Intermediate strength beams create _ amount of tissue harmonics
Only a tiny
Strong sound beams create _ tissue harmonic signals
_ are created when sound beams are distorted
Side/grating lobes
_ harmonics are created in the side/grating lobes
Very few
The main beam is strong and creates _ harmonics. This creates an image with _ distortion
Beams that are most likely to create harmonics are _ likely to create artifacts
Harmonic imaging improves the image quality in 3 primary ways:
- The harmonic beam is much narrower
- Grating lobe artifacts are eliminated
- Improves signal-to-noise ratio
An imaging technique specifically designed to utilize harmonic reflections while eliminating distorted fundamental reflections
Pulse inversion harmonics
Disadvantage of pulse inversion
Degradation of temporal resolution due to requiring two pulses per scan line
Another technique designed to augment harmonic reflections while eliminating fundamental reflections. Two consecutive ultrasound pulses are sent down each scan line. The second pulse is twice the strength as the first pulse.
Power modulation harmonics
Power modulation reduces
Distortion and temporal resolution
Contrast agents are designed to _
create strong reflections that “light up” blood chambers, vessels, or other anatomic regions
Must meet the following 5 requirements:
- Safe
- Metabolically inert
- Long lasting
- Strong reflector of ultrasound
- Small enough to pass through capillaries
As an ultrasound pulse interacts with contrast agents, _ are created
Much stronger harmonics
Contrast harmonics are created because
microbubbles act in a nonlinear manner when struck by ultrasound waves
Contrast harmonics are created during _ as_
energy is converted from the fundamental frequency to the harmonic frequency
_ harmonics are stronger than _ harmonics
Contrast Tissue
When a microbubble is within a sound beam, the bubble grows and shrinks in relation to
the pressure variations (during compressions and rarefactions)
Contrast harmonics are created due to
the nonlinear changes in the bubble size.
The uneven behavior that causes contrast harmonics is called _
Contrast harmonics: When exposed to high pressure (compressions), the bubble _ and the pressure
Contrast harmonics: When exposed to low pressure (rarefactions), the bubble
Bubbles _ to a greater extent than they _
_ pressure is most important with regard to contrast harmonics
Peak rarefaction
A number related to the likelihood of harmful bioeffects from cavitation (bubble bursting)
Mechanical index
Mechanical index can estimate _
the amount of contrast harmonics produced
Mechanical index depends on
the frequency of the transmitted sound and the rarefaction pressure of the sound wave
MI =
peak rarefaction pressure/(square root of freq)
MI increases with
Lower frequency sound
Stronger sound waves (substantial pressure variation)
Lower MI
Small pressure variation
Higher frequency
Higher MI
Large pressure variation
Lower frequency
Low MI sound beams do not create harmonics because
the microbubbles expand and contract in a linear fashion.
If the MI is less than 0.1, bubbles only create
Intermediate MI’s (0.1 to 1.0) create a _ amount of harmonics
Relatively small
MI’s greater than 1 create _ harmonic signals. The bubbles may actually
Expand and break apart
Low MI: <0.1: _ harmonics _ _ behavior _ frequency sound _ beam strength Bubbles expand _
No Backscatter Linear Higher Low Very little
Higher MI: 0.1-1.0 _ harmonics _ _ behavior _ frequency sound _ beam strength Bubbles expands _
Some Resonance Nonlinear Lower Higher Moderately
Highest MI > 1 _ harmonics _ _ behavior _ frequency sound _ beam strength Bubbles expands _
Strongest Bubble disruption Extreme Lowest Highest Greatly
Two characteristics of contrast agents are important:
The nature of the outer shell
The gas that fills the microbubble
_ trap the gas and increase the effective life of a microbubble
Shells are designed to be
flexible so they can change shape
Smaller gas molecules are _ likely to leak through the shell and shrink the bubble.
Larger gas molecules remain _
Trapped in the bubble
Tissue harmonics: Created during_ Occurs as _ Results from_ _ harmonic signal
Transmission in tissue
Sound propagates in tissue
Nonlinear behavior of transmitted sound beam
Contrast harmonics: Created during _ Occurs only when_ Results from _ _ harmonic signal
Reflection off of microbubble
Contrast agents are present and with MIs greater than 1
Nonlinear behavior of micro bubbles