chapter 16 weathering and mass movement Flashcards
the process by which solid rock is dissolved and broken apart into smaller fragments
the scouring and stripping away of rock fragments loosened by weathering
sediment transport
the movement of rock fragments that have been weathered and eroded
the depositing of sediments
the lowering and wearing away of earth’s surface
physical weathering
the processes that breaks rocks down into smaller pieces without altering the chemical makeup of the rock
a type of pressure release jointing, creates sheetlike slabs of rocks resembling the layers of an onion
frost wedging
the process by which water in a joint in rock freezes and expands, causing the opening to grow ex. potholes
salt weathering
the process in which salt crystals grow in pore spaces within a rock and exert pressure as they grow
rounded pits or cavities on surface of a rock that form through salt wedging
root wedging
the process in which plant roots break rocks apart
chemical weathering
the process in which minerals in rock change through chemical reactions involving water
a chemical weathering process in which carbonate rocks such as limestone is dissolved in a carbonic acid solution and carried away
the process in which water reacts with and combines with minerals in rocks to form new minerals
the process in which oxygen atoms combine with minerals in rocks and weaken them