Chapter 16 Unit 5 Flashcards
What was the Tariff of 1842?
It was a law that put taxes on goods coming into the U.S. from other countries. This helped protect American businesses, especially in the North, but the South didn’t like it because it raised prices for them.
What was the “Fifty-four forty or fight” slogan?
This was a chant used by Americans who wanted to take control of the Oregon Territory. They wanted the northern boundary at 54° 40’ latitude. If Britain didn’t agree, they were ready to fight. Eventually, a deal set the boundary at 49°.
What was the Liberty Party?
This was a political party that wanted to end slavery. They didn’t win, but they took enough votes from the Whigs in 1844 to help the Democrats win the presidency.
What was the Walker Tariff?
It was a law that lowered taxes on imported goods. It made trade cheaper and helped the economy grow, especially for farmers.
What was the Aroostook War?
This was a small conflict between the U.S. and Britain over the border between Maine and Canada. No one died, but it was a fight over land. It was peacefully resolved in 1842.
What was the California Bear Flag Republic?
A short-lived republic made by Americans in California who didn’t want to be part of Mexico. It was quickly taken over by the U.S. after the Mexican-American War.
What was the Battle of Buena Vista?
It was an important battle in the Mexican-American War where American forces, led by General Zachary Taylor, defeated a much larger Mexican army. It made Taylor a hero and helped win the war.
What was the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?
This treaty ended the Mexican-American War. Mexico gave the U.S. a lot of land, including California, and in return, the U.S. paid Mexico $15 million.
What was the Wilmot Proviso?
This was a proposal to ban slavery in lands gained from Mexico after the war. It didn’t pass, but it made the debate over slavery even more heated.
Who was James K. Polk?
He was the U.S. president from 1845 to 1849. He strongly believed in Manifest Destiny and helped the U.S. gain a lot of land, including Texas and California.
Who was Stephen W. Kearny?
He was a general during the Mexican-American War. He helped the U.S. take control of California and New Mexico.
Who was John C. Fremont?
He was an explorer and military leader who helped lead the revolt in California against Mexico, which led to California becoming part of the U.S.
Who was Winfield Scott?
He was a general in the Mexican-American War who led American forces to capture Mexico City, a key victory that ended the war.
Who was David Wilmot?
He was a congressman who proposed the Wilmot Proviso to stop slavery in the new territories gained from Mexico. It didn’t pass but increased tensions over slavery.
Who were the Conscience Whigs?
They were members of the Whig Party who opposed slavery and didn’t support the Mexican-American War because they thought it was about spreading slavery.