chapter 16 - homeostasis Flashcards
What is homeostasis
It is the maintenance of a constant internal environment via physiological control systems. [Has the ability to return changes to an optimum and maintain a balanced equilibrium].
How is homeostasis brought about
Stimulus - causes a change to the system
Receptor – a change is detected in a living system/a detection of deviation from optimum.
Coordinator/CNS – operational information is stored here [hypothalamus/brain reacts to and analyses information from the whole body]
Effector - brings about a change to the system back to optimum via a muscle or gland.
Response - system returns to the optimum point.
describe what happens when temperature is too high
Proteins/enzymes will denature. Higher temperatures cause hydrogen bonds that maintain the enzymes structure to break this alters the enzymes active site therefore catalysis can no longer occur.
Describe what happens when temperature is too low
If the temperature falls below the optimum enzyme activity declines as there is not enough kinetic energy. This causes the rate of important reactions for example respiration to slow down.
What happens if there are deviations from pH
Deviations from optimal pH causes enzymes to denature. catalysis can’t occur
What happens if there is a high blood glucose concentration
if blood glucose levels are above optimum the water potential of the blood is reduced. This causes water to defuse into the cells in the blood. this leaves other cells surrounding the blood to become flaccid and they die.
What happens if blood glucose concentration is too low
When blood glucose concentration is too low there is not sufficient glucose for respiration therefore respiration rate declines and energy levels fall.
Define negative feedback
when a change is detected control mechanisms are turned off to bring rates back to an optimum.
Define positive feedback
A deviation from the optimum causes an even greater deviation from the optimum and control mechanisms remain turned on.
What is an ectotherm
They obtain a high proportion of the body heat from outside sources
What is an endotherm
They obtain a large portion of their body heat from metabolic activities and inside sources
Give examples of regulation of body temperature in ectotherms
eg lizards:
They expose themselves to the sun so maximum surface area is exposed to the heat.
They take shelter in shade to prevent overheating and at night time they retreat into borrows to reduce heat loss.
They press the bodies against the ground to warm up. When optimum is reached they raise themselves above the ground with their legs.
Examples of regulation of body temperature in endotherms
eg penguin/ polar bear:
They have a small surface area to volume ratio. In cold climates they reduce heat loss. They have smaller extremities for example: small ears, thick fur, fat layers to insulate the body, feathers.
Vasoconstriction - the diameter of arterioles nearer the skin surface is smaller this reduces the volume of blood near the skin surface by the capillaries. Most blood passes through insulating for layers and this reduces heat loss.
Raising hairs - Erector muscles contract. this causes hairs to rise. a thick layer of still work is formed which insulates the skin.
decrease sweating to reduce heat loss
Behavioral mechanisms - Sheltering from wind, huddling, basking in the sun to maintain core body temperature.
Give examples of ways endotherms and ectotherms lose heat in response to a warm environment
A large surface area to volume ratio increases heat loss as there is an increase in surface area
Lighter colour fur reflects more light and absorbs less light increasing heat loss
Vasodilation - Diameter of the arterioles nearer the skin increases so blood can pass more closely to the skins surface via the capillaries. blood heat is radiated out of the body.
more sweating - water evaporation needs energy in the form of heat. (high latent heat of vaporization) provides cooling effect.
less body hair- erector muscles relax. hairs relax/ flatten, there is only a thin layer of still air therefore a thin insulating layer. This increases heat loss from the skin.
Behavioral mechanisms - Avoiding the heat, sheltering in borrows/shade, prevents body temperature from rising.
what is glycogenesis
Where excess glucose is converted to glycogen by the liver
what is glycogenolysis
where excess glycogen is converted to glucose in the liver
happens when blood glucose conc is low.
what is gluconeogenesis
The production of glucose from sources other than carbohydrates. eg amino acids and glycerol.
happens when blood glucose conc is low
define the second messenger model
When the binding of an extra cellular molecule to a receptor causes molecules inside the cell to transmit signals intracellularly.
What is the best way to remember glucagon function
glucagon = ‘glucose is gone’
Describe in detail glucagon action.
receptors on cell surface membrane of a cells in the islet of the langerhans(pancreas) detect a fall in blood glucose conc.
a cells secrete hormone glucagon.
glucagon attaches to receptors on target cells
stimulates adenylate cyclade to convert ATP to cAMP (cyclicAMP)
cAMP activates kinase to hydrolyse glycogen to glucose (glycogenolysis ) and it also stimulates glyconeogenesis.
give an example of positive feedback (neurons)
When a stimulus causes a small influx of sodium ions to increase permeability that is a father entry of sodium ions therefore a build up of an action potential.
Give an example of positive feedback
When the body gets too cold the temperature control system breaks down leading to positive feedback resulting in body temperature dropping even further.
What do alpha cells in the islet of langerhans (pancreas) do?
They secrete glucagon and adrenaline
What do beta cells in the islet of langerhans (pancreas) do?
they secrete insulin
What does insulin do
It’s acts to lower blood glucose
it’s a peptide hormone.
What does glucagon do
It increases blood glucose
What does adrenaline do
It’s increases blood glucose
What do islet cells act as?
Because they act as both receptors and effectors
Receptor-it detects a stimulus of any deviation from the optimum
Effector - it brings about the corrective measures needed to return the system to optimum
Give 4 examples of homeostasis
The control of body temperature [thermoregulation]
The control of blood glucose concentration
The control of blood water potential
The control of heart rate blood pressure and ventilation
Describe in detail the second messenger model [adrenaline] liver
Low blood glucose concentration is detected by alpha cells in the islet.
adrenaline produced by adrenal glands Binds to transmembrane proteins receptors on a cell surface membrane of a liver cell.
The binding causes the proteins to change shape. This change of shape leads to the activation of adenyl cyclase to convert ATP to cAMP.
cAMP acts as a second messenger that binds to kinase changing it shape and activating it.
The act of protein kinase catalyzes glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis. this produces glucose which moves out of the liver cells by facilitated diffusion and into the blood three channel proteins.
What can cause a drop in blood glucose levels
Fasting, increased cell respiration [exercise], conversions to glycogen [glycogenesis], excretion in the urine [diabetes].
What happens when blood glucose concentration rises (pancreas)
It is detected by beta cells in the islet (pancreas). insulin is released from b cells.
Insulin attaches to receptors on target cells that changes the tertiary structure of channel proteins so more glucose is absorbed into the beta cells by facilitated diffusion. activating tyrosine kinase
This stimulates insulin to move around the membrane and release insulin into the capillaries, insulin circulates around the bloodstream.
Then insulin binds to receptors molecules in the membrane of target cells [glycoprotein receptors]
Stimulates the uptake of glucose by cells and muscles, liver and adipose tissue.
glycogenesis occurs.
What limits the rate of uptake of glucose into cells?
The number of carrier protein is present this is directly proportional to the uptake of glucose
During insulin action. insulin binds To molecule on the receptor, this causes a chemical signal and vesicles move to the plasma membrane these vesicles fuse with the plasma membrane and add a carrier protein increasing glucose absorption.
What happens when blood glucose concentration rises in the liver
Glycogen is synthesised from glucose (glycogenesis)
This creates a steep diffusion gradient of glucose between liver cells and blood. Therefore glucose can diffuse into liver cells, decreasing blood glucose concentration.
What are the negatives of low blood glucose concentration
Its affects glycogen stores therefore you are left feeling fatigued
What are the negative effects of blood glucose concentration gets too high
If blood glucose concentration increases too much then organ damage can occur
What causes type one diabetes
It is where the body is unable to produce insulin it’s usually starts in childhood. Most often the result of an autoimmune disease where beta cells are attacked by antibodies.
What is the treatment for type one diabetes
Insulin injections
How does Type II diabetes arise
receptors on target cells lose responsiveness to insulin. It’s usually develops in adult hood due to obesity and a poor diet.
What is the treatment for Type II diabetes
Regulating uptake of carbohydrates and sugars
Increasing exercise
A gastric band
Sometimes insulin injections
What are the consequences of both types of diabetes and how does it relate to glucose
Homoeostatic control of blood glucose has failed or deteriorated
The insulin function is disrupted which allows glucose concentration in the blood to rise
Therefore the kidneys cannot filter out excess glucose in the blood so it’s often appears in the urine
There is a high blood glucose concentration which causes a kid needs to produce large quantities of urine making the individual feel Thursday due to dehydration.
What is a steroid hormone
A steroid hormone is insoluble and it binds to intracellular receptors. It also requires a carrier molecule to be transported via the bloodstream. They can penetrate the plasma membrane as they are lipid soluble. Axe as a first messenger
What is a peptide hormone
A peptide hormone is water soluble it can travel via the bloodstream and can’t penetrate the plasma membrane. It acts on surface receptors/extracellularly and it is associated with the enzyme adenyl cyclase. Often referred to as the second messenger mechanism hormone
What is the definition of Osmoregulation
It is the homoeostatic control of water potential of the blood
Where does Osmo regulation occur
It occurs in the nephrons of the kidneys. The nephrons are located in the medulla
What is the function of the nephron
It filters the blood to remove waste and selectively reabsorbs useful substances back into the blood.
why doesn’t urine contain protein and blood cells
Protein and blood cells are too large to get filtered out
Why doesn’t urine contain glucose
All the glucose is reabsorbed via selective reabsorption in the proximal convoluted tubule
Describe the structure of the nephron
There is a wide afferent arteriole - where blood enters via a high hydrostatic pressure.
the efferent arteriole - is narrower and carries away filtered blood away from the glomerulus.
glomerulus - tight network of capillaries in the neohron.
glomerulus/renal capsule/bowmans capsule - encases glomerulus.
Proximal convoluted tubule
decending limb of the loop of henle( thinner walls, permeable to H2O) via osmosis
ascending limb of the loop of henle (impermeable to H2O)
distal convoluted tubule
collecting duct
Explain the process of ultrafiltration
Blood from the renal artery enters the afferent arteriole. This splits into smaller capillaries called the glomerular capillaries. This causes a high hydrostatic pressure
Water, glucose and mineral ions of forced out of the capillaries to form the glomerular filtrate.
What is ultrafiltration resisted by
It is resisted by podocyte cells in the boom and capsule that have spaces in between them. The filtrate passes between the spaces in the cells.
endothelium of the glomerular capillaries
Describe the process of selective reabsorption of glucose and water via the proximal convoluted tubule
There is a low concentration of sodium ions in the PCT. Because sodium ions are actively transported out of the PCT and into the capillaries.
Sodium ions diffused back down a gradient from the lumen of the PCT to the lining of the PCT via co-transport. Glucose, amino acids and calcium also are transported with sodium ions.
Glucose defuses along a concentration gradient from the PCT cells to the bloodstream via the capillaries. All of the glucose is reabsorbed
What are the adaptations of the proximal convoluted tubule
They contain lots of mitochondria and this energy is needed for active transport
They have microvilli to provide a large surface area for reabsorption
How much of the filtrate is reabsorbed into the blood
Describe the structure of the PCT and how glucose defuses from the PCT to the bloodstream
Lumen of the PCT
PCT cell
Interstitial space
Bloodstream (capillaries)
Describe how the sodium ion gradient is maintained in the loop of Henle
Mitochondria in the walls of ascending loop of henle provide energy to actively transport sodium ions out of the ascending loop of Henle into the interstitial space.
Then water diffuses out via osmosis from there descending limb into the interstitial space as there is a low water potential in the interstitial space due to the Na+ ions. water enters the blood capillaries. all via osmosis.
At the base of the loop of Henle sodium ions naturally diffuse out as water potential is lowest here. Higher up the ascending limb sodium ions are also actively pumped out. this leaves the filtrate dilute
Describe the function of the distal convoluted tubule and the collecting duct
Liquid entering the distal convoluted tubule is very dilute as sodium ions have actively been transport out of the filtrate.
The filtrate moves through the DCT. The cortex surrounds the collecting duct and distal convoluted tubule. The cortex is very concentrated therefore water continues to move out the collecting ducts via osmosis for the whole length of the collecting duct.
The water potential of the filtrate is lowered however the water potential is also lowered in the interstitial space so water continues to move out for the whole length of the collecting duct.
This ensures that there is always a water potential gradient drawing water out of the filtrate.
Suggest how the length of the loop of Henle will differ from a human to a desert animal
For a desert animal there would be a larger loop of Henle. More sodium ions will diffuse out of the ascending loop of Henley. A more negative water potential is created in the interstitial space therefore more water is reabsorbed and the urine is more concentrated. More water will diffuse out of the descending limb by osmosis.
Describe the counter current system in the loop of Henle
This insures the greatest amount of water can be reabsorbed.
Filtrate in the collecting duct with a low water potential meets the interstitial fluid that has an even lower water potential. This means that although the water potential gradient between the collecting duct and interstitial fluid is small, it exists for the whole length of the collecting duct. Therefore, that is a steady flow of water into the interstitial fluid as to flows are parallel.
Why is homoeostasis of blood water potential essential
If the blood is hypertonic – blood with a low water potential means that cells shrivel, they can’t dissolved solids,cannot undergo chemical reactions and too much water leaves the cells.
If the blood is hypotonic – blood with a high water potential means that too much water enters the cells and cells can burst (lysis).
What happens when there is a low blood water potential (hypertonic)
Correct and mechanism: more water is reabsorbed by osmosis, urine is more concentrated as less water is lost in the urine.
what happens when there is a high blood water potential (hypotonic)
Corrective mechanism: this water is reabsorbed by osmosis, into the blood. Urine is more dilute and more water is lost as waste.
What is ADH(Antidiuretic hormone)
When ADH reaches the kidney it’s causes an increase in the permeability of the walls of the DCT and collecting duct to water. More water leaves the nephron and is reabsorbed into the blood therefore urine is more concentrated.
What happens when blood water potential is too low
Water leaves Osmoreceptors via osmosis, Osmoreceptors shrivel. This stimulates the hypothalamus to produce more ADH.
What happens when flood water potential is too high
Water enters Osmoreceptors via osmosis, this stimulates the hypothalamus to produce less ADH. When there is less ADH less water is reabsorbed.
What is the function of the hypothalamus
The hypothalamus is where ADH is produced. It then moves to the posterior pituitary gland and here it is released into the capillaries and then into the blood. ADH travels through the blood until it reaches a target organ (kidney).
How does ADH interact with the AquaPorins
ADH binds to receptors on the collecting duct and distal convoluted tubule.
An enzyme called phosphorylase is activated
Phosphorylase causes vesicles containing aquaPorins to fuse with the cell membrane
The Aquaporins embed into the cell membrane.
AquaPorins are protein channels for water to pass through, more Aqua Porins on the membrane mean more water leaves the distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct and is reabsorbed into the blood.
Osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus detect the rise in blood water potential and send impulses to the pituitary gland.
The pituitary gland reduces the release of ADH. This is an example of negative feedback
What is the glycaemic index GI
it measures blood glucose conc in the blood by calculating the area under the curve.
How can the glycaemic index be interpreted
A high glycaemic index suggests that the food or drink is quickly digested and absorbed into the blood therefore there are large fluctuations on blood sugar levels. It works on how digestible the foods are. Foods that contain more fibre slow down the absorption of blood glucose
What do you need to look for when you’re calculating how much carbohydrates can impact your glycemic index
you need to check that the carbohydrates are only the digestible carbohydrates therefore you take the overall carbohydrates and subtract the fibre count.
How can a high glycemic load harm you
a diet with a high glycemic load can increase the concentration of harmful lipids in the blood.
What happens when there is a increase in blood glucose concentration (two)
The beta cells in the islet of the langerhans in the pancreas detects a rise in blood glucose concentration
glucose moves into the beta cells via facilitated diffusion
The beta cells respire and produce ATP from the respiration of glucose
this ATP close is potassium ion channels
creating a change in membrane potential
this change in membrane potential open calcium ion channels
Calcium ions then diffuse into the beta cells
in response to beta cells secretes the hormone insulin
then, insulin travels in vesicles to the membrane and fuses with a membrane
an insulin is released into the capillaries and therefore into the bloodstream
once insulin is in the bloodstream it circulates until it reaches target cells (muscle cells/liver cells/adipose tissue)
stimulates the uptake of glucose by the cells
glycogenesis occurs converting glucose into glycogen lowering blood glucose levels