Chapter 16 Extraoral and Intraoral Assessment Flashcards
Indicates a change in structure of an organ or part attributable to injury or disease.
Finding that is a variation from normal.
Atypical finding
Proving to be a serious or even fatal finding.
Abnormal finding
Palpation methods
digital, bidigital, manual, bimanual, bilateral palpation, circular compression
Palpable lymph nodes with increase in size and consistency
63% of individuals with oral cancer have what?
Enlarges lymph nodes
Atypical findings of extraoral skin evaluation
Moles, freckles, scarring, piercings, or tattoos
Abnormal findings of extraoral skin evaluation
Needle marks resulting from drug use, trauma with domestic abuse
Atypical findings of the frontal region during an EO exam
Tenderness and increased temperature from sinusitis
Abnormal findings of the frontal region during an EO exam
Pigmented, red, or ulcerous lesions with skin cancer
Atypical findings of parietal/occipital regions during an EO exam
Debris found on the scalp/hair, palpable non-tender node with scarring from a past chronic infection
Abnormal findings of parietal/occipital regions during an EO exam
Scalp lesions, soft/tender/enlarged/freely movable nodes associated with an acute infection, hard/nontender/fixed nodes associated with a chronic infection/cancer, infections from piercings, hair loss from alopecia/chemo/eating disorder/hormone or nutritional disorder
The identification of a condition by differentiating pathologic processes that may produce similar lesions.
Differential diagnosis
A lesion that has defined borders
Well circumcised
Lesions with margins that merge
Thinning of tissue layers with shiny and translucent appearance
Large, circumcised blister containing clear watery fluid or blood
Flat nonpalpable area (e.g. petechiae)
Elevated solid mass deeper and firmer than a papule (e.g. palatal torus)
Palpable circumcised solid elevation
Discrete, slightly elevated area of altered texture or coloration ( hairy leukoplakia)
Similar to a vesicle but filled with pus (e.g. abscess)
Deep loss of epithelial layer that may extend to connective tissue layers (e.g. aphthous ulcer)
Small circumcised blister filled with clear watery fluid (e.g. cold sore)
Wrinkled surface texture of a lesion
Central depression in a lesion
Central depression
Hard covering that is comprised of dried serum, pus, blood, or a combination on a lesion’s surface
Surface texture that may exhibit ridges and irregularities
Hardness of tissue from an increased number of epithelial cells regarding a lesion
Rough surfaces that contain small nodulations or elevated projections
Loose membranous surface layer of exudate that contains microorganisms formed during an inflammatory reaction
Deep lesion that pushes up and stretches surface tissue
Rough wartlike surface with multiple irregular folds regarding a lesion
If a lesion has a broad base of attachment to the surface as wide as the lesion itself, the attachment is what?
Lesion with a narrow pedicle or stalk like base of attachment to the surface
Degree of firmness or density of tissue
If a wave or passing force can be detected through a lesion
Temporary loss of fluctuance from brief evacuation of lesion fluid into surrounding tissue
Describes lesion that is freely movable from surrounding tissue
Objective condition that clinicians can directly observe
Subjective condition reported by a patient
Continued presence because of a failure to heal during a 2-week time period
Loss of partial thickness of skin surface layers resulting from destruction of epithelial integrity from cell maturation discrepancy, loss of intercellular attachments, and disruption of basement membrane
Red patch that is smooth, granular, and velvety and that cannot be diagnosed as any other lesion without biopsy
Abnormal patch with a combination of both red and white tissue color changes
Surface texture that may exhibit ridges and irregularities, reflecting abnormal cell growth
Immobility in contrast to surrounding tissue, resulting from abnormally dividing cells that invade into deep areas such as muscle and bone
Hardness, primarily resulting from an increase in the number of surrounding epithelial cells from an inflammatory infiltrate
White plaquelike lesions that cannot be wiped off and cannot be diagnosed as any other lesion without a biopsy
Involvement of regional lymph nodes/tonsils, resulting in firm and enlarged nodes, possibly fixed and painless nodes in the patient with cancer
Loss of full thickness of skin surface layers resulting from the destruction of epithelial integrity from cell maturation discrepancy, loss of intercellular attachments, and disruption of basement membrane
Achieved after receiving test results such as biopsies, that are performed to determine whether a certain disease or condition is present
Definitive diagnosis
The surgical removal of a section of tissue for the purpose of diagnosing, estimating prognosis, and monitoring disease
The sample cells to be examined are collected by scraping the surface of a lesion with a cotton swab
Exfoliative cytology
Evaluation method using a special brush to remove sample cells from lesions that may not otherwise be subjected to biopsy because of only having atypical appearance
Transepithelial cytology
Differentially stains cells based on their nuclear configuration, selectively up took by abnormal cells
Toluidine blue dye