Chapter 16: Evolutionary Principles 3 Flashcards
Large changes over a very long period of time
The splitting of species into two or more new species
Common Ancestor
A single ancestor for two or more different groups
Prezygotic isolating mechanism
Prevent reproductive attempts to make it unlikely that fertilization will be successful if mating is attempted
Postzygotic isolating mechanism
Prevent hybrid offspring from developing or breeding, even if reproduction attemps have been successful
Allopatric speciation
A speciation model based on geographic isolation of populations
Sympatric speciation
A population develops into two or more reproductively isolated groups without prior geographic isolation
Adaptive radiation
New species evolve from a single ancestral species
Evoluntionary tree
The gradualism model often shows the evolutionary history of groups of organisms
Mass extinctions
Disappearances of a large number of species or a higher taxonomic group within a short period of time
an organism or a group of organisms at a particular level in a classification system
The evolutionary history of a group of organisms`
Dedicated to understanding the evolutionary history of life on Earth.
Phylogenetic tree
A diagram that indicates common ancestors and lines of decents
Convergent evolution
acquisition of the same or similar traits in distantly related lines of decent
A way to trace the evolutionary hostory of a group by using shared traits derived from a common ancestor to determine relationships
Depicts the evolutionary history of a group on the avaliable data
Includes a common ancestor and all of its descendent species
Five-Kingdom System
Eukaryotes, Prokaryotes, Archea, Eukarya, and Bacteria
Three-Domain System
Domain Bacteria, domain Archea, and domain Eukarya
A biological species?
Is reproductivly isolated from other species
Transistional links are least likely to be found if evolution proceeds according to the?
Punctuated equilibrium model
What statement best pertains to taxonomy?
Species share ancestral triats but may have their own unique derived traits
Name the three domains.
Bacteria, Archea, and Eukarya
One benefit of the fossil record is?
Fossils can be dated
The discovery of common ancestors in the fossil record, the presence of homologies, and other molecular data similarities help scientist determine?
How to classify organsims.
The proper cladogram.
How to construct phylogenetic trees.
How evolution occured.
In cladistic..
A clade must contain the common ancestor plus all of its decendants.
Shared delivered characteristics help construct cladograms.
The principles of parismony states that the simpler hypothesis is prefered.
The species in a clade share homologous structures.