Chapter 16 and 17 Flashcards
Who are ELS Students
ELS or ELL students need more time and instruction in writing. They are not a homogeneous group. They may come from a home that has multiplie languages and they are not proficienct.
What problems do ELS face?
ELS students do not only face the normal issues of ccognitive etc. but they face the additional problems with the language that they are learning.
They have linguistic, academic, communicative, contextual (audience) textual
Cultural problems.
Classrooms should represent ELS students. They need to feel that their voice is represented.
Students also face cultural problems.
POW WWW What 2 How 2
POW + WWW, What = 2, How = 2 strategies?
Pick my ideas, organize my ideas, write more.
Who, when, where,
What do the main characters want to do?
What happens when the main characters try to do it?
How does the story end?
How do the characters feel?
Writing tasks Accomodations Lesson plans How does your cookie crumble Design your own robot.
Color coding tasks narrative assignment
Word banks learner dictionaries
Autobiographical writing for ELS
“How does your cookie crumble”? informaitonal texts
Do what chart? analyzing the actions and characters
Design your own robot. An activity to help students learn to write by creating their own robot.
The important book.
The “important book” for learning how to write about each other.
chapter 17 RTI IDEA
IDEA the RTI model
Progress monitoring
RTI and writing is not well defined.
Screening progress monitoring and diagnosis.
Writing workshops is a common method of delivering writing interventions
Methods of assessment
Methods of assessing direct writing prompt, indirect true false, portfolios collections of students word.
Self regulation and goals
Tier I graphic organizer. Revise three times.
Spell check and backwards read aloud.
Having a defined rubric
Setting escalating expectations
Positive self talk to overcome anxiety
Emilio ELS student using a word processor.Tier II
Tier III Highly focused explicite instruction using self regulating and functionality expectation.
Large Scale writing assessments.