Chapter 15 Renaissance And Reformation Flashcards
Niccolo Machiavelli
Italian political philosopher and statesman; he wrote The Prince, which advised rulers to separate morals from politics. He insisted that a ruler do whatever is necessary to succeed and that the ends would justify the means.
an intellectual movement during the Renaissance that focused on the study of worldly subjects, such as poetry and philosophy, and on human potential and achievements
Desiderius Emerus
Pure and Christian life, focused on Bible and became critical of the Church
Wrote Praise of the Folly
Baldassarre Castiglione
Worked on the book The Courtier published in 1528
The Praise of Folly
Written by Erasmus
And critizes what is wrong within the church
The Book of the Courtier
Written by Baldassarre Castiglione.
Explains through fictional conservations how new nobles should act in polite society and describes the perfect renosicanse
Thomas More
Wrote Utopia.
Criticized the English society by describing an ideal society
Phillip IV
King of France. Demanded that the clergy in France pay taxes toward the national treasury. But the pope disagreed. Phillip summoned the estates general and accused the pope of Hersey and simony
Sent an envoy to Italy hold The Pope prisoner in his office.
Avignon Papacy
Philip IV had one of his french advisors elected Pope. Clement V moved the Papacy from Rome to Avignon. French pope Gregory XI back to Rome. Italian cardinals back in Rome elect an Italian Pope, Urban IV. Urban excommunicated Clement VIII. Clement VIII returned the favor to Urban. So kings got choose which pope they wanted to follow
Council of Constance
Church Council had to meet to settle this
Both Popes were disposed
Everyone at the council agreed that church corruption and immorality must end
Martin V is elected pope
Church loses legitimately in the eyes of the public and power begins to decline
Renaissance Popes
Pope Sixtus
desired to turn Rome into Renaissance City
put alot of money into Rome
What were the sale of indulgences and why did Martin Luther believed them to be wrong:
Money given to church in order to spend less time in Purgatory. Martin Luther nailed complaints to the door because they were bogus.
Martin Luther’s new ideas initiated the Reformation in Germany, describe what initiated the Reformation in England?
Henry the 8th wanted an annulment, and started the Anglican church. He found it profitable to break from the Papacy
Explain how the Counter-Reformation is different from the Reformation
Reformation: People like Luther trying to get rid of the church. Counter-reformation: Church trying to reform itself.