Chapter 15 Notes Flashcards
What are the pull factors
- Free democratic society
- ability of jobs (industrialism)
- ability of natural resources- gold land
- american letters
What are the push factors from Europe
- population growth and hunger
- lack of arable land
- religious persecution- pogroms organized anti Jewish attacks
- Irish potato famine- potato crops failed many were starving
An important pull factor that drew Europeans to the United States after the civil war
Availability to farmland
Arriving to New York harbor what group was required to go through immigration inspection at Ellis Island.
Only the steerage group
What happen to most immigrants ting through Ellis Island
They went allowed to enter the United States
What is not a pull factor to come to America
Religious intolerance
Thousand of Irish immigrated to America mainly because______
Of potato family
Not a push factor to come to America
Cheap travel
In 1996 the Statue of Liberty was given to America as a gift from who
Lazaru’s poem suggest that the United States s the land of opportunity for the :
What class would be consider education for immigrant children to Americanize