Chapter 15: Bacterial Pathogenicity Flashcards
Stages of disease from host viewpoint
- Infection (exposure); 2. Incubation (before you know that you are sick); 3. Initial symptoms (prodromal period); 4. Acute Symptoms; 5. Recovery (immune system kicks in and treatment is initiated)
Stages of disease from Microbe’s point of view
- Attachment and Entry; 2. multiplication; 3. evasion of defenses; 4. shedding (going back where they came from etc.)
Major portals of entry
eyes, mouth, nose and throat, skin, large intestine, urinary and genital systems
Major adherance factors
glycocalyx (s. mutans), fimbriae (e.coli), M protein (s. pyogenes), Opa protein (N. gonorrhoeae), host cytoskeleton as subway network
Effect of coagulases
creates clots and prevents phagocytes from coming to get them
effect of kinases
breaks things apart to mobilize nutrients (tissue breakdown)
Effects of hyaluronidase
acid breakdown
effect of collagenase
collagen breakdown. Hyaluronidase and collagenase both break down to get nutrients and further infection into host.
IgA protease
Breaks down IgA (an antibody in mucosal system)
Function of siderophores
sequester important nutrients. kind of like magnets that gather and store nutrients for metabolism later
Difference between endotoxin and exotoxin and what bacteria produce them
Exotoxins are produced inside the cell, are released, and have a very broad effect on the body with lots of symptoms. Diptheria toxin, clostridum botulinum, clostridum tetani, vibrio cholerae;;;;;;;;;Endotoxins are part of the lipopolysaccharide layer and are specific in their targets. Lipid A is an endotoxin produced by gram negatives
MOA of Type 1 A-B exotoxins ex. diptheria toxin
A does the action and B binds. inhibits protein synthesis
MOA botulinum toxin
flaccid paralysis; excitatory ACh production is stopped by a microbe binding to the neuron
MOA Colstridum Tetani
Causes rigid paralysis; microbe creates toxin which makes the neuron rapidly produce ACh.
Cholerae Toxin
Forces the body to give up fluid and electrolytes until death ensues
Type II: Membrane Disrupting Toxins
Hemolysin: lyse RBCs; Leukocidins: lyse WBCs
Type III Superantigens
Antigens that elicit overproduction of cytokines by T cells (chemical messengers)
Plasmids and lysogeny
Lysogeny is the cycle where a plasmid is altered and becomes dangerous
How bacteria evade host defenses
capsules allow them to be virulent and grow in host cells