Chapter 15 - Autonomic Nervous System Flashcards
Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)
- part of PNS
- system of motor neurons that innervates smooth muscle, cardiac muscle & glands;
- dual innervation by 2 opposing divisions - sympathetic & parasympathetic
dual innervation
- sympathetic - fight or flight; emergency
2. parasympathetic - rest & digest; resting to conserve energy & digestion stimulated
Effector of Somatic Nervous system & Autonomic Nervous system
SNS: skeletal muscles
ANS: cardiac & smooth muscles; glands
Pathway of Somatic Nervous system & Autonomic Nervous system
SNS: 1 neuron pathway (to reach effector)
ANS: 2 neurons pathway (to reach effector)
Ganglia of Somatic Nervous system & Autonomic Nervous system
SNS: NO ganglia (all cell bodies in CNS)
ANS: Has ganglia
ganglia - cluster of cell bodies in PNS
Origin of Nerves: (in ANS only)
- Parasympathetic division: Craniosacral Division - some cranial nerves & some sacral nerves carry info; top & bottom;
- Sympathetic division: Thoracolumbar Division - relay info out from middle; thoracic & lumbar nerves
Neurotransmitters of Somatic Nervous system & Autonomic Nervous system
SNS: Acetylcholine (ACh)
ANS: Parasympathetic div - ACh;
Sympathetic div - ACh & NE (norepinephrine)
Location of Ganglia: (in ANS only)
- parasympathetic div - in or near the effector (i.e. inside walls of heart)
- sympathetic div - near the spinal cord (w/in one inch)
Functions of Somatic Nervous system & Autonomic Nervous system
SNS: supplies skeletal muscles
ANS: parasympathetic div - rest & digest;
sympathetic div - fight or flight
Somatic nervous system & Autonomic nervous system
SNS: voluntary motor
ANS: involuntary motor
Interactions of the ANS
- Antagonistic
- Sympathetic only
- Cooperative
Antagonistic (Interactions of the ANS)
opposite effects of sympathetic vs. parasympathetic
Sympathetic only (Interactions of the ANS)
some involuntary effectors only take one division
Cooperative (Interactions of the ANS)
2 divisions work together to produce certain effects (i.e. reproductive organs - external genitalia in sexual response; parasympathetic - erection of penis;
sympathetic - ejaculation
Ex. of Antagonistic:
Parasympathetic (when dominant)
pupils - constricts;
nasal, tear, salivary glands - stimulates;
heart rate - decreases;
respiration - decreases;
digestive tract (motility, secretions, waste removal) - stimulates
Sympathetic (when dominant)
pupils - dilates;
nasal, tear, salivary glands - inhibits;
heart rate - increases;
respiration - increases; dilates airways;
digestive tract (motility, secretions, waste removal) - inhibits
Ex. of Sympathetic only:
there is NO EFFECT on parasympathetic bc no nerves supply these effectors
blood vessels - constricts; resting BP sweat glands - stimulates; arrector pili - stimulates; adrenal medulla - stimulates
adrenal medulla - middle part of adrenal gland; sympathetic only
very unusual pathway; adrenal gland sits on top of kidney; only exception to ANS: one neuron pathway to adrenal medulla; releases 2 chemicals - epinephrine & norepinephrine; these chemicals are NOT neurotransmitters bc not released at synapses; they are released into blood stream; epinephrine (adrenaline)- increases heart rate, breathing & dilates airways;
norepinephrine (noradrenaline) - constricts blood vessels & increases BP
Location of ganglia
sensory ganglia - on dorsal root ganglia;
somatic motor ganglia - none;
autonomic motor ganglia:
1. parasympathetic - in or near visceral organ
2. sympathetic - near the spinal cord;
a. sympathetic chain ganglia - bunch to left & right of spinal cord
b. abdominal aortic plexus ganglia - whole mash of nerves in front of abdomen