Chapter 15 Flashcards
An older adult patient comes in, who is currently in treatment for various respiratory conditions and currently medications such as Bronchodilators, as the assessment began the nurse noticed that the patient’s hands are trembling. What is or may cause the trembling of the hands?
A. The Patient is nervous
B. Certain drugs, that are used for treatment of respiratory conditions may cause the trembling.
C. Respiratory distress frightens the patient.
D. His respiratory condition may cause his trembling.
What contributes to respiratory changes?
Secondhand smoke, foods, dust, pets, and stree
Geographically what influences an individual’s respiratory health?
Temperature, moisture, altitude and pollutions.
A Cold environment may encourage.
vasoconstriction and a decreased need for oxygen.
Follow-up questions are?
intended to identify the source of problems, the duration of difficulties and measures to alleviate problems. And also provide clues about the client’s knowledge of his or her own health.
Focus interview guides the __________ of the respiratory system.
Physical Assessment.
when framing questions, what type of informations must be considered?
age, gender, race, culture, environment, health practices, and concurrent problems and therapies.
During focused interview, the patient is experiencing dyspnea, cyanosis, difficulty of speech, and anxiety. What should the nurse do?
A. The nurse should focus on relief of symptoms and restoration of oxygenation.
B. Continue to do the interview.
C. Call the doctor.
D. Perform auscultation of the lungs.
Over The Counter
For each symptoms which of the following questions should be asked?
Characteristics, onset, duration, frequency, treatment or remedy, including over the counter and home remedies, determination if diagnosis has been sought, effect of treatments and family history associated with a symptom or illness.
For clarifications what type of questions should be asked?
Follow-up questions.
A condition in which there is lateral curvature and rotation of the thoracic and lumbar spine.
exaggerated posterior curvature of the thoracic spine. Associated with aging.
Pigeon Chest (Pectus Carinatum)
characterized by forward displacement of the sternum with depression of the adjacent costal cartilage. This condition generally requires no treatment.
A chronic hyper-reactive condition resulting in bronchospasm, mucosal edema, and increased mucus secretion.
Barrel Chest
Normally occurs with aging and accompanies COPD
Cheyne - Stokes
Periods of deep breathing alternating with periods of apnea.
Biot’s (Ataxic) Respirations
Shallow, deep respirations with periods of apnea.
Frequent sighs
Obstructive Breathing
Prolonged expiration.
Percussion over ______ and _______ yields what Flat or Dull sounds?
Bones and Organs
Adventitious sounds
Discontinuos and Continuos sounds
Intermittent, non musical, and brief sounds.
Are high pitched with a shrill quality.
low pitched with a snoring quality.
Tracheal Sounds
harsh, high-pitched sounds heard over the trachea when the client inhales or exhales.
Bronchial Sounds
loud, high pitched sounds heard next to the trachea and are longer on exhalation.
Bronchovesicular Sounds
Medium in loudness and pitch. Heard next to the scapula and sternum.
Vesicular Sounds
soft and low pitched and heard over the remainder of the lungs.
the palpable vibration on the chest wall when the client speaks. Strongest over the trachea and diminishes over bronchi.
What is the respiration rate for newborns?
40 Breaths per minute
What is an indication of normal oxygenation?
Pink skin or pink undertones
When a client comes in for physical assessment of the respiratory system, what is the first step?
A. Inspection
B. Client Survey
C. Palpation
D. Auscultation
As the altitude increases, partial pressure of oxygen.
An environment with increased moisture or humidity has heavy air, the need for oxygen _______
Hazardous substances that industry workers are exposed to are?
What are some examples of Carcinogens?
caustic fumes, fungi, asbestos, coal tar, nickel, silver, textile fibers, chromate, and vinyl chlorides.
What happens to the respiratory system as the body ages?
the lungs lose their elasticity, the skeletal muscles begin to weaken and bones lose their density that both support the lungs.
What pattern is expected after 7 years of age?
Coastal Breathing
What pattern is expected about 5-7 years of age?
Abdominal Breathing
Children at 5 years of age the respiratory rate is?
35 breaths per minute.
The clavicle, scapula, and the lateral base of the neck forms a triangle at the superior aspect of the thorax is called?
Kronigs area.
Right lung has _____ lobes and the Left lung has ______ lobes.
Right has three and the left has two lobes.
Normal Breathing
What is commonly called the BreastBone?
The pleura
a thin, double-layered, serous membrane that lines each pleural cavity.
A fluid acts as a lubrication to the lungs as it moves through expiration and inspiration cycle.
Pleural fluid.
Inhaled foreign objects are most likely to enter which lung?
Right lung.
Help sweeps debris towards the mouth for removal.
What are located in the Mediastinum?
Heart, trachea, esophagous, and the major blood vessels of the body.
What is in the pleural cavity?
When the nurse ask the client to say “99” each time you listen. In Normal lung tissue sound will be muffled.
When the nurse ask the client to say “E” each time you listen. Normal sound is “eeeee”
When the ask the client to whisper “one two three” each time you listen. Normal sound will be faint, almost indistinguishable.
Whispered pectoriloquy
Pleural effusion
accumulation of fluid in the pleural space.
Angle of Louis
Manubrium joins with sternum
Manubruim, (jugular notch, sternal notch)
superior portion of the sternum.
A condition in which chronic inflammation of the lungs leads to destruction to alveoli and decreased elasticity of the lungs. As a result, air is trapped and lungs hyperinflate.
Indication of abnormally low plasma oxygen, placing the client at risk for altered tissue perfusion.
Redness of the skin due to increased visibility of normal oxyhemoglobin.
sophisticated medical term used to explain the popping, grating or cracking sensation that can be heard or felt upon percussion of joints or skin, which indicates the presence of air accumulation inside the closed and compact subcutaneous tissue or joint surface.
Funnel Chest
A congenital deformity characterized by depression of the sternum and adjacent coastal cartilage. Depressed Sternum.
difficult to breathe
a condition in which there is an obstruction of airflow. The alveoli or an entire pathway lung may collapse from airway obstruction, such as mucous plug, lack of surfactant, or a compressed chest wall.
A condition in which air into the pleural space and cause partial or complete collapse of the lung. Pneumothorax can be spontaneous, traumatic, or tension.
An infection cause fluid, bacteria, and cellular debris to fill the alveoli.
A condition in which chronic inflammation of the lungs leads to destruction to alveoli and decreased elasticity of the lungs. As a result, air is trapped and lungs hyperinflate.
Chronic Bronchitis
Chronic inflammation of the tracheobronchial tree leads to increased mucus production and blocked airways. A productive cough is present.
Inspection: Dyspnea, chronic proctiave cough, tachypnea, use of accessory muscles.
Is located at the base of the neck , used to count and locate other spinous process.