Chapter 14 - The Reformation Flashcards
List the prominent leaders of the Reformation.
Martin Luther, Martin Brucer, Huldrych Zwingli, John Calvin, and John Knox.
When did the Reformation begin?
1517 AD.
What are the dates for the Reformation Era?
1517 - 1560 AD.
What did the Reformation movement begin as?
An attempt by Martin Luther to reform the Roman Catholic Church.
What did the Reformation turn into?
An outright renunciation and denunciation of the Roman Catholic Church.
Why was there a resentment of the papacy?
1) The growth of the nation-state saw the Pope meddling in what were perceived to be completely domestic affairs.
2) The location of the Papacy saw it dominated by Italians. Italians were telling them what to do and demanding money from them.
How did the Roman Catholic Church decide to raise money for their building projects?
Selling indulgences.
What were indulgences and why could the Pope issue them?
Since the Pope was Christ’s vicar on earth, he had the ability to commute souls out of purgatory. For a small fee, the pope would issue an indulgence.
Who was the most famous seller of indulgences?
John/Johan Tetzel.
How did Luther become a priest?
He was delivered from a horrific storm. He prayed during that storm that if God reliever Him he would become a priest. Luther, therefore, became a priest.
Who lead the German school in Wittenberg where Luther would teach?
Prince Frederick the Wise.
In what year did Luther write his 95 Theses?
1517 AD.
Who protected Luther after Luther criticized the sale of indulgences?
Prince Frederick the Wise.
What did Luther seek initially with his protests?
Reform of the Roman Catholic Church.
Under what issue did many of the disagreements with the Roman Catholic Church arise?
Church Authority.
Who brought the Reformation to Geneva?
John Calvin.
Which nation was rather late in getting involved in the Reformation?
Which English King denounced the Reformation?
Henry VIII.
Why did Henry fail to keep England Catholic?
1) Many of Henry VIII’s advisors were Protestants.
2) His desire to have a male heir to the throne.
What dynasty was Henry VIII a part of?
The Tudor Dynasty.
Who did Henry VIII’s older brother marry?
Who was Catherine?
The daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain.
Who did Henry VIII marry?
Also Catherine after his brother died.
What was the name of Henry VIII and Catherine’s child?
Why was a girl not sufficient for Henry VIII?
A daughter would force him to marry her to another head of state making England a vassal or an English noble ending the Tudor dynasty.
True or False: Henry VIII was a nationalist.
How did Henry VIII go about gaining a male heir?
Through extra-marital affairs.
How many children did Henry VIII’s extra-marital affairs produce and what where their names?
Two. Elizabeth and Edward.
What action did Henry VIII take to legitimize his action?
He joined the Protestant Reformation and nationalized the Church in England.
Who took the throne after Henry VIII?
Who took the throne after protestant Edward died?
What religion did Queen Mary adhere to and seek to restore to Britain?
How took the throne after Queen Mary?
Queen Elizabeth.
What five factors contributed to the move towards Protestantism and away from the Roman Catholic Church?
1) The Great Schism (Disillusionment)
2) Religious Pluralism (Due to New Eastern Orthodox Immigrants)
3) Christian Humanists Assault on the RCC.
4) A New Interest in Scripture Itself (Due to the Renaissance.)
5) Seeking of a New Internal and Personal Faith.
Who was Luther’s 95 Theses in response to?
Tetzel’s sale of indulgences.
What do Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses reveal?
A still devout Roman Catholic struggling with unbiblical aspects of his faith.
How did Pope Leo respond to Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses?
By excommunicating all who denied the doctrine of indulgences.
How did Luther undermine the Roman Catholic doctrine of church authority?
By claiming Scripture was superior to a Church council.
How did the Pope attempt to force Luther to recant his beliefs?
By issuing the Exsurge Domine that gave Luther 60 days to recant all of his errors or face excommunication.
How did Luther respond to the papal bull?
By writing the book Against the Bull of the Anti-Christ and during the papal bull.
How did the Pope respond to Luther’s Against the Bull of the Anti-Christ?
By excommunicating him.
Who convened a diet in Worms to get Luther to recant his beliefs?
Charles V.
Who was Charles V?
The Holy Roman Emperor.
What key doctrine was the new Protestant church found on?
The Five Solas of the Reformation.
List and define all five solas of the Reformation.
1) Sola Fides - Justification by Faith Alone.
2) Sola Gratia - Grace Alone (Not By Works)
3) Solus Christus - Christ Alone (Men only approach God by Christ not confessionals, priests, or Mary.)
4) Sola Scriptura - Scripture was/is the only source of faith and practice.
5) Soli Deo Gloria - Glory to God Alone not praise to men, buildings or human projects.
What “big gun” did the Roman Catholic Church use to try and discredit Luther?
They hired Erasmus to defend the Roman Catholic Church Against Luther’s attacks.
What were Luther’s failings?
1) Anti-Semitic
2) Fiery Temper
3) Harsh and Belittling Language
4) Too fond of Beer.
What did German Lords see Luther’s challenge to the RCC as?
An opportunity to free themselves from Catholic domination.
Who was chosen to be the Holy Roman Emperor in 1519?
Charles V.
What nation did Charles V rule?
What did Charles V do to try and stop Luther?
Declared war against the German lords protecting Luther.
Who did the German princes allay themselves with to defend against Charles V?
The French King Henry II.
When Charles V was unable to succeed in stopping Luther, what did he concede to?
The Diet of Augsburg.
When did the Diet of Augsburg occur?
1555 AD.
What did the Diet of Augsburg do?
Divided Germany into Protestant and Catholic territories.
What war was fought between the Protestant and Catholic States?
The Thirty Years War.
What ended the Thirty Years War?
The Peace of Westphalia.
List Each Magisterial Reformer and What He Did.
1) Philipp Melanchthon - Luther’s assistant who organized and systematized much of Luther’s thought (Example - the Augsburg Confession)
2) Huldrych Zwingli - Spread the reformation to Swiss Churches
3) John Calvin - Created a synthesis of Reformation Theology into The Institutes of Christian Religion and helped create the Huguenots.
4) John Knox - Brought the Reformation to Scotland and Southern England.
Who were the Lollards?
Followers of John Wycliffe who influenced the lower class and encouraged Reformation thinking.
What proof is there that the reformers were somewhat unified?
The Heidelberg Catechism.
What was the Heidelberg Catechism.
A statement of faith written and agreed to by both a Lutheran and Calvinist pastor.