Chapter 14: The Existential Theory Of Viktor Frankl Flashcards
According to Viktor E frankl what is will to meaning
It is the desire to find meaning and purpose in life.
What did Frankl mean by tragic optimism
He meant we can find meaning even in suffering ( vulnerability) guilt ( fallibility) and death ( mortality)
Only in face of suffering are we confronted with what ought not to be which provokes decision to strive for and enact what ought to be.
Discuss the freedom to be responsible
Human person is primarily a spiritual being which has Freedom and responsibilities. This means that as humans we constantly face choices and have freedom to choose and not compelled to behave in any certain way.
What is noogenic dimension
It is the third or spiritual level of existence which is unique to human beings.
Explain the idea of a level of being beyond brute existence
Human person needs to find a reason or purpose to live that true fulfillment is hardly possible without a sense of purpose in life which is the struggle to find meaning defined as the one right thing to do in a certain situation or movement of life in terms of what that situation requires
Frankl means the opportunity task or duty discerned through conscience must be embraced realised and acted upon in every situation of life containing a unique challenge to live our lives purposefully with meaning not to subhuman levels of being which are ways of functioning that human beings share in common with animals.
Self transcendence is the ability human beings have to think about themselves to evaluate and judge themselves and to change themselves which gives us the freedom to rise above conditions in being able to think and something about them
Expand on the transhuman dimension
Timeless and universal values and meanings that address the human conscience in unique ways and that can be discovered and experienced by anyone at any time under all circumstances.
Meaning isn’t created but found and the objective existence of meaning of life is phenomenologically proved by the fact that in the manifold situations of life we feel addressed by conscience called upon to act. The conscience is the vehicle through which we detect meaning the one right thing to do in any situation or moment in life.
What does it mean to have a conscience
We are able to discern higher values and meanings grasping their significance and freely embracing them.
It is the link to transhuman dimension which is the ability to hear the voice of the transcendent.
What proves the experience of unconditional meaningfulness of life
Faith which is the unshakable belief that life has meaning and maintains that it is the person of faith that can in spite of all say yes to meaning of life under all conditions and circumstances
According to Frankl what is a human being
Is a being who can question the meaning of life search for meaning and in finding it realise it in their own life.
Man’s heart is restless unless it has found and fulfilled meaning and purpose in life for without it a person feels unfulfilled.
We are only fully what we have been created to be when we live and move and have our being on dimension of meaning
What are the 3 dimensions of personality
Physical: complex biochemical mechanism
Psychological: person having needs and drives
Spiritual: unique to human beings the transcendence.
What is Frankls dimensional ontology
It is a 3D view of human functioning on a physical psychological and spiritual level of being
We have a body and psyche and we’re free to direct our behavior by using them to achieve ends that we ourselves have determined as important and meaningful due to our self awareness.
How does Frankl describe the spiritual dimension of personality
It is the personal ground of being where the human personality has a spiritual core.
It is niether our genetic make up nor environment that shape our personality. It’s what we do with what we have been given in terms of them how we respond to the influence and how we react in the situation.
On what are the dynamics of personality based
Noodynamics or spiritual dynamics where our will is free and not simply instrumental in satisfying pleasures or ensuring self preservation
The freedom of will is the capacity of self determination through the exercise of choice.
The will to meaning: deeper than and more powerful than any other human motivation because our will is free we aren’t aimlessly driven and we can think make decisions we want to know why for whom and for what we exist.
Is manifested in circumstances of destitution and plenty.
Satisfaction of physical and psychological needs isn’t the ultimate aim of human striving but rather means to being free to strive towards spiritual goals.
The more we pursue happiness the more it eludes us because happiness is the effect of the attainment of meaning and can’t be pursued as an end.
When the Will to pleasure and the will to power are uppermost in our behavior this would be a sign that our meaning is frustrated.
Existential vacuum: a state of meaninglessness or spiritual emptyness characterised by a lack of purpose or direction in life.
The meaning of life: that life never ceases to hold meaning and that meaning can be found in all circumstances even in suffering and death
Creative values: values we experience through what we contribute to life.
Experiential values: are blessings we receive from life.
Attitudal values: are values we experience through the right attitude we have towards life.
How is optimal development achieved
When we function on the spiritual level where we fully exercise Freedom of will and find meaning in our lives.
Self determining actions :
Optimally developed people continuously take a stand concerning themselves and circumstances and freely decide how to act not giving into external pressures.
Realistic perception: can seperate and distance themselves from what is happening to them seeing matters objectively and critically.
Humour: can distance themselves from their weaknesses and problems.
Self transcendence: involved in what gives life meaning faced with tasks and goals to be challenged. Human existence is not authentic unless it’s lived in terms of self transcendence.
Future directedness: we are forever reaching out beyond ourselves. Death is the meaningful conclusion to their lives
Work as a vocation: regard their work as a vocation where they respond to the demands of responsibility.
Appreciation of goodness beauty and truth: receptive to experience of the good the beautiful and the genuine that life offers.
Respect and appreciation for the uniqueness of others: will never make others objects of own satisfaction or use others in order to achieve own selfish ends.
Meaning in suffering: have accepted tragic facts of life.
What are some features of spiritually mature individual
Have reached state of optimal humanness through choice and attained spiritual maturity through the kind of choices they have made
Clear sense of who they are and what they are meant to be having a clarified mission in life.
Have dignity a sense of self possession and integrity
Have unequivocal and passionate sense of right in face of wrong
Lives earmarked by ongoing quest there’s always more to be done
There is no sense of closure or of final answer and live comfortably with uncertainty
They keep faith with the future and uncertainty doesn’t fill them with fear but hope
Their lives are infused with meaning
They live by their conscience and attitudes as well as actions determined by accountability.
What is noogenic or existential neurosis
The mental or spiritual anguish and existential despair people suffer who see no meaning in their lives. Characteristic including
An unplanned day to day existence where people live aimlessly
A fatatical attitude towards life where people are seen as helpless victims of their circumstances
Conformism in effort to evade stress of authenticity and of living lives of personal responsibility
Totalitarianism where people are told what to do what to believe and how to behave.
What is logotherapy
The goal is to help people discover or rediscover meaning in their lives where its essence is to challenge people to become aware of things which require them to be responsible and which demands their love care or involvement done through a socratic dialogue
Which is a highly challenging and questioning logotheraputic technique evoking critical and creative thought which allows the person to discover and realise the meaning the unique responsibility and tasks of their own life
Paradoxical intention: a logotheraputic technique designed to break the vicious cycle of hyperintention by encouraging the person to wish or intend what the person fears thereby deflating or defusing fear
Dereflection: a logotheraputic technique designed to shift attention of a person away from obsessive hyper reflection and to focus on something meaningful instead