Chapter 14 - Parietal Lobe Flashcards
What’s the general function of the parietal lobes?
- Process and integrate somatosensory and visual information, especially as it pertains to movement control
What purpose does the intraparietal sulcus have?
- Divides the inferior and superior parietal lobes
What components make up the inferior parietal lobe?
- Supramarginal gyrus (crescent-shaped)
- Angular gyrus (posterior to supramarginal gyrus)
What’s another term for the postcentral gyrus?
- S1 (primary somatosensory area)
Which Brodmann’s areas correspond to the superior and inferior parietal lobes?
- Superior - 5 and 7
- Inferior - 40, and 39
Which Brodmann’s areas correspond to the anterior zone of the parietal lobes?
- S1 (1-3)
- 43
What types of sense is closely associated with the angular gyrus/area PG BA 39)?
- It’s largely visual and contains polymodal regions
- Larger in the right hemisphere.
What type of inputs does area PG receive?
- Visual, somatosensory, oculomotor (eye movements), cingulate (cognition, emotion), auditory
What roles does area PG have?
- Role in intermodal mixing
- Role in spatially-guided behaviour with respect to both visual and tactile information
What general functions does the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex have (DLPFC)?
- Internally-motivated behaviour
- Working memory
- Planning
Which other brain regions are areas PG/PF highly connected to?
- The DLPFC and the OFC
T/F: Posterior parietal areas and dlPFC project to very different areas as a form of parallel processing.
- They both project to very similar areas including the paralimbic cortex, hippocampus, and various subcortical regions
Parieto-premotor stream?
- Apart of the dorsal stream anatomy
- The principle unconscious “how” pathway
- Affects motor output most directly
- Apart of dorsal stream anatomy
- May be related to working memory for visuospatial objects
- Apart of dorsal stream anatomy
- Role in spatial recognition and spatial navigation
- More perceptual/conscious
- Projects to the hippocampus and the parahippocampal regions
Role of anterior zones in parietal lobe function?
- Processes somatic sensations and perceptions
Role of posterior zones in parietal lobe function?
- Integrates somatic and visual input to control movement
- Involved in mental imagery (ex. object rotation, arithmetic, reading etc.)
What’s acalculia?
- Inability to perform mathematical computations
What’s the name for Brodmann’s area 40?
- Supramarginal gyrus
What would damage to S1 cause?
- Affects thresholds for detecting touch
- Can create high sensory thresholds (i.e., less sensitive to stimuli)
WHat’s afferent paresis?
- Difficulty executing smooth, coordinated movements due to loss of afferent (somatosensory) feedback from the muscles. Don’t have info on what you’re doing
- Often caused by damage to S1
What is astereognosis?
- A somatoperceptual disorders
- The inability to recognize an object by touch
- Have normal thresholds, but patient is unable to recognize objects when blindfolded
- “A loss of body knowledge”
What can cause astereognosis?
- Small lesions to S1
What’s simultaneous extinction?
- A somatoperceptual disorder- The failure to perceive a sensory stimulus only if that stimulus is presented simultaneously with a second stimulus