Chapter 14 - Nonferrous Alloys Flashcards
Blister copper
An impure form of copper obtained during the copper refining process
A group of copper-based alloys, normally containing zinc as the major alloying element
Generally, copper alloys containing tin, but can contain other elements
The ease with which a metal can be poured into a mold to make a casting without producing
defects or requiring unusual or expensive techniques to prevent casting problems.
The ability of liquid metal to fill a mold cavity without prematurely freezing
The copper-nickel alloy, containing approximately 60% Ni, that gives the maximum strength
in the binary alloy system.
Nonferrous alloy
An alloy based on some metal other than iron
Refractory metals
Metals having a melting temperature above 1925°C
Specific strength
The ratio of strength to density. Also called the strength-to-weight ratio
A group of nickel, iron-nickel, and cobalt-based alloys that have exceptional heat
resistance, creep resistance, and corrosion resistance.
Temper designation
A shorthand notation using letters and numbers to describe the processing
of an alloy. H tempers refer to cold-worked alloys; T tempers refer to age-hardening treatments
Wrought alloys
Alloys that are shaped by a deformation process
Aluminum has a density of
1/3 of steel
Although aluminum alloys have lower tensile properties than steel their specific strength (or strength-to-weight ratio) is…
Aluminum can be formed
Aluminum has (3 points)
high thermal and electrical conductivity, and does not show a ductile-to-brittle
transition at low temperatures
Aluminum is It is ________ and can be recycled with only about __ of the energy that was needed to make it from alumina
nontoxic, 5%
Aluminum’s beneficial physical properties incluse (3 points)
include its nonferromagnetic
behavior and resistance to oxidation and corrosion
Aluminum does not
display a true _______ ___
endurance limit,
aluminum has a _____ melting temp
Aluminum alloys can be divided into two major groups
and casting alloys
Within each major group of aluminum, we can divide the alloys into two subgroups:
heat-treatable and
non heat-treatable alloys
The degree of strengthening is given by the
temper designation T or H
temper designation T means
heat treated
temper designation H means
strain hardened
The numbers following the T or H indicate the amount of _____ ______
strain hardening
The 1xxx, 3xxx, 5xxx, and most of the 4xxx wrought alloys
not age hardenable
The 1xxx and 3xxx alloys are
single-phase alloys
The 1xxx and 3xxx properties are controlled (3 points)
strain hardening, solid-solution strengthening, and grain-size
Because the solubilities of the alloying elements in aluminum are small at room
temperature, the degree of ____ _____ _____ ___ _____
solid-solution strengthening is limited
The aluminum-magnesium
alloys are strengthened by a fine dispersion of Mg2Al3, as well as by (3 points)
strain hardening,
solid-solution strengthening, and grain-size control.
Because Mg2Al3 is not coherent
treatments are not possible.
Alloys that contain both silicon and magnesium
can be
age hardened
Many of the common aluminum casting alloys contain enough silicon to cause
the eutectic reaction
The the eutectic reaction gives the alloys (3 points)
low melting
points, good fluidity, and good castability.
The properties of the aluminum-silicon alloys are controlled (3 points)
strengthening of the aluminum matrix, dispersion strengthening by the phase, and
solidification, which controls the primary grain size and shape as well as the nature of the
eutectic microconstituent.
Fast cooling obtained in die casting or permanent mold casting
(Chapter 9) increases strength by….. (2 points)
by refining grain size and the eutectic microconstituent
Magnesium has a ___ structure
Magnesium is ____ ____ than aluminum
less ductile
increases the number of
active slip planes
Some deformation and strain hardening
can be accomplished at room temperature, and the alloys can be readily deformed at elevated
temperatures. (Aluminum, magnesium, Beryllium, copper, nickel, or cobalt?)
the solubility of alloying elements in magnesium at room
temperature is ________
the solubility of alloying elements in magnesium at room
temperature is limited, this means
only a small degree of solid-solution strengthening.
magnesium alloys may be strengthened by either (2 points)
strengthening or age hardening
Beryllium is _____ than aluminum
Beryllium is _____ than steel
Beryllium (4 points)
expensive, brittle, reactive, and toxic
Copper-based alloys have _____ densities than steels
yield strength
of some Copper-based alloys is ____,
Copper-based alloys specific strength is typically less than that of ______ or
_________ alloys.
aluminum, magnesium
Copper-based alloys have better (3 points) than the
lightweight aluminum and magnesium alloys
resistance to fatigue, creep, and wear
The wide variety of _____-_____ alloys takes advantage of all of the strengthening
Copper-based alloys
Copper containing less than 0.1% impurities is used for (2 points)
electrical and microelectronics
The single-phase copper alloys are strengthened
by ____ _____
cold working
copper has excellent
2 points
ductility and a high strain-hardening coefficient.
The “light metals” include low-density alloys based (3)
aluminum, magnesium, and
Aluminum alloys have a ___ specific strength due to their ___ density and,
as a result, find many aerospace applications.
high, low
Excellent corrosion resistance and electrical
conductivity of ________ also provide for a vast number of applications.
______ and _______ are limited to use at low temperatures because of the loss
of their mechanical properties as a result of overaging or recrystallization.
Aluminum and magnesium
_________ alloys have intermediate densities and temperature resistance, along with
excellent corrosion resistance, leading to applications in aerospace, chemical processing,
and biomedical devices.
______ and ______ alloys, including superalloys, provide good properties at even higher
Nickel and cobalt
Combined with their good corrosion resistance, these alloys find many
applications in aircraft engines and chemical processing equipment. what are these?
Nickel and cobalt alloys
Superalloys retain (2)
Retain properties to much higher temperatures
–Retain corrosion resistance at high temperature
Refractory metals have the ___ crystal structure and display a ductile-to-brittle transition temperature.