Chapter 14: Leadership, Language and Identity Flashcards
Name the three main areas of language!
1) discourse of leadership
2) national language as cultural voice
3) a leader’s strategic use of language through the art of storytelling and the study of rhetoric
How do Hardy define discourse?
“a system of texts that bring objects into being’ and as constructing social reality”
discourse - looks at the local meanings within social interactions and is hence concerned with local issues and negotiated meanings of leadership at the individual and group level.
Discourse - concerned with a Foucaldian study of existence and power of dominant socio-historical conversations in organisations, societies and more generally, the social groups we belong to.
Discursive Leadership Studies (d)
Pay attention to how language and communication construct leadership “in situ” (local context) and hence linked to the process of social interaktion.
The “d” in discourse add insight in discourse strategies in the everyday interaction of leadership practice.
Discursive studies (D)
The wider leadership and management discourse that have led to social-historically embedded systems of thought and influence how organisations as well as individuals talk about leadership.
Imposes assumptions that leaders and followers work in harmony towards shared goals and thereby eradicates that potential for constructive dissent and conflict at work.
National language
Heavily connected to individual sense-making, and we must recognise linguistic variations, and their impact of and individual’s understanding on for example management and leadership.
Questionnaires made by the western world, fail to recognise the vast cultural difference and experiences in relation to different concepts such as leadership and management.
Language cannot be said to be neutral or static.
Language and meaning are inseparable from culture. National language influence the way people think and behave as well as how they relate to the linguistic properties of a language.
The comfort room in which a person can communicate.
“National codes”
Effective communication
Not only to be able to transmit information but also to be able to communicate ideas, tell stories and be an active listener.
6 barriers to effective communication
- Serial communication - too many links in communication-chain creating too much noise around the original message.
- Status difference - hierarchical relationships
- Social conformity - group think or strict thinking that only allows for one opinion.
- Spatial distance - physical location
- Defensiveness - self protective behaviour from the leader or follower
- Cultural differences
Important because we can interpret how a message is sent how it is received and how it is interpreted.
Methaphors etc can shape the listeners perception of reality.
Explain Communicative Action!
and Communicative Rationality
Every dialogue should end with a mutual understanding and agreement.
CR - perceptions are being based on statements which are intelligible, that the statements are true and honest.
The ideal situation is when everyone has the equal opportunity to speak as only the argument, without significance to power, position or ideology.