Chapter 14- Immune System Flashcards
what 3 microbes invade the body ?
bacteria, fungi, virus
How can these get your body?: Transmission (4)
direct transmission
Involved bodily contact or fluid based (handshake,
indirect transmission
microbes passed via airborne (dusts, soil, food)
Biological transmission
some transmitting agent picks up modifies it in to (mosquito or ticks snd bite humans)
mechanical transmission
passage of microbes to individual by means of corner that not directly involved in diseases processes (water contaminated with rats that carry fleas with a diseases
How can these get your body? infection (3)
cut, strep throat
confined to one are but goes to other parts of the body
numbers of areas in the body are infected
what is true but these 3?
can go from one to other start with throat (localized) `
what is the course of infection?
actue phase
DONT Feel sick
none specfic
acute phase
disease and symptoms are at their height
start to feel bettr
How can these get your body? Immunity:
body resistance to harm from invading organisms
Immunity: specific immunity
natural; get memory cells to to remember microbes and how to fight it
artificial- vaccines
Immunity: non-specific immunity
these are not specific to the illness
-anotomical barreirs: skin, nose hair
-phagocytocis- certain white blood cells inject microbes
-antimicrobal subs: chemicals: interphene, HCL
-inflammatory responses: extra h2o come into body to allow cells to move around more easily.
Immunity: humoral
creating antibodies through the use of B lymposites
Immunity; cell-mediadted immunity
t-lympstyes hangout in lymph ssytens
How can these get your body? lymphatic system
tonsils, thymus, gland, spleen
stress and immunity in humans
anticpatinfig injury
immune response as a function of length of stressor
-mvment from cell movement(t-cell) to humor(b-cells)
-whole immune system constantly weakening not going to function
what are some examples of stress studies
-astronaourat(psych/pysiologaical stress)
-natural disaster;
-DAILY hassles
Health risks?
when under stress show higher increase in illness
Marital disruption and conflict
associated with lower immune functioning even short term stress
who gets cargive
elderly babies
who take care of them
women more likely to take care of babies and parents
what are some challenges with seeing someone decline
not seeing improvement
fewer % of t-cels
protective effects of resources
family members can help take care of kids, flexiblejob,