Chapter 14- Biological rhythms, sleep, and dreaming Flashcards
Humans and other primates are diurnal- active during the day. When animals sleep typically depends on when their predators or prey sleep
Active during dark periods
Pineal gland
A secretory gland in the brain midline, the source of melatonin release
The process of synchronizing a biological rhythm to an environmental stimulus.
Referring to a rhythm of behavior shown by an animal deprived of external cues about time of day. Behavior becomes free-running in continuous dim light.
Circadian rhythm
Function that have a 24 hour rhythm- results in animals being active either at night or during the day. Rhythms may be behavioral, physiological, or biochemical, like thirst, body temperature, or hormone levels. All have biological origin.
What is an endogenous clock, and how does it generate circadian rhythms?
A hamster placed in a dimly lit room continues to show a daily rhythm in wheel running despite the absence of day versus night, suggesting that the animal has an internal, biological clock. Even if the light is always dim, the animal can detect other external cues, like outside noises or temperature. However, in constant light or dark, the circadian cycle is not exactly 24 hours. Activity starts a few minutes later each day, so eventually the hamster is active when it’s daytime outside.
Why are circadian rhythms beneficial?
Circadian rhythms synchronize behavior and body states to changes in the environment. The endogenous clock enables animals to anticipate an event, such as darkness, and to begin physiological and behavioral preparations before that event (in this case, before it gets dark).
Phase shift
Normally, the internal clock is set by light. The shift of activity produced by a synchronizing stimulus is referred to as a phase shift
In humans, which factors allow for entrainment?
Light (visual input), meals, sleep, job/class, activity (exercise). Several of these inputs are also regulated by a biological clock.
Which region of the hypothalamus contains the biological clock?
The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). Lesions confined to the SCN portion of the hypothalamus interfere with circadian rhythms of drinking and locomotor behavior and hormone secretion.
What happens when the SCN is damaged?
If light/dark cycle maintained, no change in behavior. If only dim light, random behavior- animal will eat and sleep at random times
In mammals, how does light information reach the SCN?
Retinal ganglion cells in the eye send their axons along the retinohypothalamic pathway, splitting off at the optic chiasm to synapse within the SCN. This is the pathway that carries information about light to the hypothalamus to entrain behavior.
How do retinal ganglion cells work?
The retinal ganglion cells are sensitive to light themselves, without using special receptors. This is because the cells have a special photopigment called melanopsin. The retinal ganglion cells send their axons to the SCN, but other melanopsin containing retinal ganglion cells project to the brainstem, informing the brain about light to control pupil diameter. Melanopsin is most sensitive to blue light frequencies, which is why blue light has the largest effect on human circadian systems.
Which 2 proteins are made by the SCN?
SCN makes two proteins called clock and cycle.
How do the clock and cycle proteins work?
The two proteins bind together to form a dimer (a pair of molecules joined together). The dimer binds to the cell’s DNA to promote the transcription of two other genes (per and cry). The resulting per and cry proteins will dimerize as well, and inhibit the expression of the clock and cycle genes that began this process.
What is the function of the clock and cycle mechanism?
SCN neurons use this mechanism to keep time approximately, and neurons communicate through their synapses to synchronize their activity and produce a constant period of about 24 hours, driving the circadian rhythm. The same molecular clock operates in almost every cell in the body, and they are all in sync as long as the SCN is intact.
How does light entrain the molecular clock to the light-dark cycle?
The retinohypothalamic tract is used to get light information to the SCN. The retinal ganglion cells containing melanopsin detect light and release the neurotransmitter glutamate in the SCN. Glutamatergic synapses trigger a chain of events in SCN that promotes the production of per protein. When the animal’s photoperiod is shifted, the per production shifts the phase of the molecular clock.
Do humans have an endogenous circadian clock?
Yes. In the absence of external cues, humans display a circadian rhythm of the sleep-wake cycle. External cues (lights, meals, jobs, alarm clocks) entrain our clock to a 24 hour period, the circadian clock encourages our brain to sleep at some times of the day and to remain awake at others. The free running period is slightly greater than 24 hours.
How are brain potentials measured to define the different sleep stages?
Brain potentials recorded through EEGs provide a way to define, describe, and classify levels of arousal and states of sleep, supplemented by recording eye movements (with EOG) and muscle tension measurements (with EMG).
2 classes of sleep
- NREM- subdivided into 3 stages
2. REM
Beta activity/desynchronized EEG
A fully awake person’s EEG is desynchronized as is a mix of multiple frequencies. It includes many fast frequencies and is of a low amplitude. This is called beta activity or desynchronized EEG.
What is the pattern of electrical activity during stage 1 NREM sleep?
During relaxation as you’re about to go to sleep, regular and slightly slower oscillation occurs. This is called alpha rhythm. As you enter stage 1 sleep, there is smaller amplitude, irregular frequency, and sharp waves called vertex spikes. Stage 1 NREM sleep is accompanied by a slowing of heart rate and a reduction in muscle tension, and the eyes might roll around slowly.
How long does stage 1 NREM last?
A few minutes
NREM sleep is characterized by
Reduction in postural tension- opposed to REM where there is no postural tension at all
How long does each sleep cycle last?
90-110 minutes
Stage 2 NREM sleep
You can observe sleep spindles and K complexes. If woken up during the first 2 sleep stages, a person would deny that they’d been sleeping.
Sleep spindles
Bursts of 12-14 Hz waves, occur during stage 2 NREM
K complexes
Sharp negative EEG potentials that have a larger amplitude, observed during stage 2 NREM sleep.
Stage 3 NREM sleep
Stage 3 sleep is defined by large amplitude, very slow waves called delta waves. It’s also called slow wave sleep. During SWS, neighboring cortical neurons tend to have synchronized activity, as if they were all “chanting” together rather than fulfilling different functions as they do in waking.
REM sleep
A person will exhibit small amplitude, high frequency activity, similar to the brain activity of an individual who is awake. This is coupled with the complete relaxation of skeletal muscles. REM is also called paradoxical sleep, since the brain waves look awake, but the brainstem is profoundly inhibiting motor neurons and the skeletal muscles are therefore completely limp. During REM, we experience rapid eye movements, vivid dreams, and irregular breathing and pulse rates.
What happens after a person reaches stage 3 NREM sleep?
It takes about 90 minutes to progress through the 3 NREM stages. Then, a person returns briefly to stage 2. After that, the person enters REM sleep.
Can we repay sleep debt?
No. You won’t get the same benefits of sleep from only sleeping in on weekends that you would from sleeping 8 hours every night.
How much do we sleep and when?
Young adults tend to sleep from 7-8 hours, and spend about half that time in stage 2 sleep. The last half of the night contains more REM sleep and less stage 3 REM sleep, with the last REM period before waking lasts 40 minutes. At puberty, the circadian rhythm shifts for most people, so they get up later in the day.
When does most vivid dreaming occur?
Most vivid dreaming occurs during REM sleep. Dreams can occur during NREM too, but these dreams are more like thoughts (thinking about problems, etc). During REM sleep, dreams are more like a mental movie, and people can experience sights, sounds, smells, and actions.
What are the functions of sleep? (4)
- Sleep conserves energy
- Sleep enforces niche adaptation
- Sleep restores the body and brain
- Sleep aids memory consolidation
How does sleep conserve energy?
We use less energy when we’re asleep. During stage 3 sleep, we experience reduced muscle tension, lower heart rate, reduced blood pressure, and slower respiration, indicating a slower metabolic rate.
How does sleep enforce niche adaptation?
Almost all animals are either nocturnal or diurnal. This is part of an ecological niche. For example, nocturnal animals like mice, are better at sneaking around in the dark and use hearing and smell to locate food. They sleep during the day so they are inactive while diurnal predators are awake.
How does sleep restore the body and brain?
One function of sleep is the rebuilding or restoration of materials used during waking, like proteins. This is likely why most growth hormone release happens during SWS. The widespread belief that sleep helps us ward off illness is well supported by research. Sleep also restores the brain by allowing it to get rid of waste products. Glial cells remove toxins from the cerebrospinal fluid, and this removal occurs more quickly during sleep.
How does sleep aid memory consolidation?
Participants tend to display better retention of material if they sleep between their learning period and a test- sleep helps with consolidation of memory. Sleep deprivation also makes people more susceptible to forming false memories. In addition, patterns of neuronal activity seen while a task is learned during wakefulness are recreated during subsequent NREM sleep, as if the brain is “rehearsing” the material. The memory consolidation function of sleep might involve determining which synapses are gained or lost.
Which 4 neural systems interact during sleep?
- Basal forebrain
- Brainstem
- Pons
- Hypothalamus
How does the forebrain generate slow wave sleep?
The basal forebrain generates SWS, and neural circuits within the basal forebrain regulate activity of GABA-ergic neurons that send their axons to other areas of the brain. It also inhibits the reticular formation
Function of the reticular formation in sleep
The reticular formation is a brainstem structure- includes the medulla and the thalamus. It helps to promote wakefulness. It also sends signals to the basal forebrain- one function of the basal forebrain during sleep is to inhibit the reticular forebrain. Damage to this area promotes a constant sleep state.
Function of the pons in sleep
The pons triggers REM sleep by sending signals to the basal forebrain. The subcoeruleus of the pons has been identified as having active neurons during REM sleep. The subcoeruleus inhibits motor neurons to keep them from firing by releasing inhibitory neurotransmitters GABA and glycine- the neurons are blocked from producing an action potential, so the muscles are completely flaccid.
Hypothalamus function in sleep
Hypocretins/orexins are used as neurotransmitters, and send axons to the other 3 sleep centers and seem to coordinate them, enforcing the patterns of sleep. Normally, hypocretin keeps sleep at bay and prevents the transition from wakefulness directly into REM sleep.
Sleep paralysis
Sleep paralysis is the temporary inability to move or talk just before falling asleep or just after waking up, and can be accompanied by hallucinations. It’s thought to be caused when the subcoreolus in the pons continues to impose paralysis for a short while after a person wakes up from a REM episode.
Narcolepsy is attacks of sleep that occur during waking hours. People with narcolepsy enter REM in the first few minutes of sleep, and exhibit a disturbed pattern of sleep at night. With narcolepsy, hypocretin neurons in the hypothalamus degenerate, inappropriately activating the cataplexy (loss of muscle tone) pathway that is normally only activated during REM sleep.