Chapter 13- Homeostasis Flashcards
Why is homeostasis important from a neuroscience perspective?
Alterations in the internal environment (homeostasis) affects motivation- the psychological process that induces or sustains a specific behavior. If the internal state doesn’t match the regulated or intended state, it produces a drive to restore balance (like drinking water if dehydrated).
Negative feedback
When moving away from a desired value (the set point) results in a compensatory action. Once the desired value is restored, the response/compensatory action is turned off (hence the “negative”). The mechanisms regulating temperature, body fluids, and metabolism are all examples of negative feedback, There is generally a set zone rather than a set point to prevent the system from going on and off too frequently.
Maintaining the set point for a certain variable, like blood glucose, body fat, or salt levels, through negative feedback. The information is compared to the set point, and a response might be necessary to restore it.
Having multiple mechanisms for maintaining homeostasis. For example, the body has multiple responses to both heat and cold to change the body temperature.
Endotherms vs ectotherms
While endotherms make heat within our own bodies through metabolism and muscular activity, ectotherms get their heat from the environment. Ectotherms must therefore stay near sources of warm.
What is behavioral homeostasis?
Organisms can use behavioral measures to help them acquire more heat, water, or food in order to achieve and maintain homeostasis. Ectotherms and endotherms can regulate temperature by changing exposure of the body surface (by huddling or extending limbs), changing external insulation (using clothing or nests), or changing surroundings (moving into the sun or shade).
Thermoregulation- how does the body generate heat?
Increased thyroid activity (increases metabolism of brown fat), constriction of cutaneous blood vessels, and shivering of muscles.
Thermoregulation- how does the body decrease body temperature?
Accelerated respiration, perspiration, and dilation of cutaneous vessels, which decreases body temperature.
How does the thermoregulatory system work?
Receptors in the skin, body core, and hypothalamus detect temperature and transmit that information to 3 neural regions- the spinal cord, brainstem, and hypothalamus. If the body temperature moves outside of the set zone, each of these neural regions can initiate physiological and behavioral responses to return it to the set zone.
Osmolality is the concentration of a solute in a solution. The concentration of salt in the extracellular fluid of mammals is about .9%.
A solution with .9% concentration of salt
A solution with less salt- has a salt concentration lower than .9%. Cells will gain water if placed in a less salty solution.
A solution with more salt, has a salt concentration higher than .9%. Cells will lose water if placed in a more salty solution.
Body fluid compartments (2)
- The intracellular compartment contains the water within our cells 2. Extracellular compartments contains the interstitial (between cells) fluid and blood plasma.
Molecules of one substance will passively spread among molecules of another substance until a uniform concentration is achieved. Cell membranes are selective with their permeability, and will therefore only allow certain molecules to diffuse in or out.
Osmosis is the movement of water molecules that occurs to make the concentration of two solutions equal, when a semipermeable membrane separates solutions of different concentrations of solute. If the membrane is only permeable to water, water will cross the membrane to make the solution on both sides of the membrane equally concentrated.
Osmotic pressure
The physical force that pushes or pulls water across the membrane.
Extracellular fluid
The movement of water can damage a cell if excessive, so the extracellular fluid serves as a buffer- a reservoir of isotonic fluid that provides and accepts water molecules so the cell can maintain internal conditions.
What triggers osmotic thirst?
We lose volume of extracellular fluid due to normal physiological processes like respiration, perspiration, and urination. At the same time, concentration of the extracellular fluid increases, since the same amount of salt remains. This triggers osmotic thirst- we want to drink water to return the extracellular fluid to an isotonic state. Triggers vasopressin release to reduce urination.
Osmosensory neurons
Monitor the concentration of extracellular fluid, located in the hypothalamus, supraoptic nucleus, and the circumventricular organs.
Circumventricular organs
Located in the walls of the cerebral vessels, and contain fenestrated capillaries. Fenestrated capillaries are blood vessels that lack the usual blood brain barrier and therefore allow neurons to monitor both salt concentration and hormones in the bloodstream. The OVLT and SFO are circumventricular organs that prompt a large drinking response with changes in osmolality.
What features do osmosensory neurons have to help them perform their function?
These neurons are stretchy, in contrast to other cells in the body which maintain a constant size. They can swell or shrink as the concentration of the extracellular fluid changes. The change in size of the cell membrane physically opens and closes special mechanically gated ion channels in the membrane, causing changes in cell membrane potentials that track the changes in extracellular concentration. This information is conveyed to other parts of the brain to result in thirst and homeostatic responses to conserve water.
Why is salt important for fluid balance?
The amount of water that we can retain is determined primarily by the amount of salt contained in the extracellular fluid. This is why slightly salty drinks, like sports drinks, can quench thirst more effectively. For example, if the extracellular compartment contains pure water, the water will enter the cells and the cells will rupture- we shed water through urination until the solution is isotonic.
What triggers hypovolemic thirst?
Hypovolemic thirst is triggered by a loss of volume of the extracellular fluid. We normally lose some fluid volume throughout the day (and salt concentration increases), but sudden and dramatic losses of fluid (due to hemorrhage, vomiting, or diarrhea) creates thirst that is primarily hypovolemic in nature. This causes a decrease in blood pressure due to decreased blood volume. In this case, the concentration of extracellular fluid does not change at first, because salt and other solutes are lost along with the water.
How is hypovolemic thirst detected?
The drop in extracellular volume is detected by pressure receptors (baroreceptors), which are located in major blood vessels and in the heart. The brain receives the signal from the baroreceptors and activates thirst (to replace lost water) and salt hunger (to replace the lost solutes). Replacing water without replacing solutes results in hypotonic extracellular fluid. The sympathetic nervous system can stimulate muscles in artery walls to constrict, reducing the size of the vessels to increase blood pressure and compensate for the reduced blood volume.
Released from the posterior pituitary gland. Vasopressin induces additional constriction of blood vessels and instructs the kidneys to reduce the flow of water to the bladder. Vasopressin release is also promoted at night due to inputs from the suprachiasmatic nucleus, which slows urine production and prevents dehydration during sleep.
Angiotensin 2
The release of the enzyme renin from the kidneys results in the production of angiotensin 2, which is another water conserving hormone. It constricts the blood vessels to maintain blood pressure, and triggers the release of vasopressin and aldosterone. It also regulates behavior through actions at neural sites located in the forebrain (especially the circumventricular organs).
What triggers the release of renin?
Stretching of baroreceptors in the kidneys
Why do we stop feeling thirsty?
Combination of factors (redundancies)
- Mouth and throat feel wet
- Estimation of how much we’ve been drinking
- Water in the stomach, but not in the extracellular component yet
Why do we need to eat? (4)
- Energy
- Nutrients- amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals
- Digestion
- Anticipate future energy needs
How is glucose stored short term?
For short term storage of food energy, glucose can be converted into glycogen (a more complex molecule). Glycogen can be stored in multiple locations, but mostly in the liver and skeletal muscles.
Conversion of glucose into glycogen, promoted by hormone insulin
Another pancreatic hormone that mediates glycogenolysis, which is triggered when blood concentrations of glucose drop too low.
The conversion of glycogen back into glucose, triggered when blood concentrations of glucose drop too low.
How is glucose stored long term?
Lipids are deposited in the fat storing cells that form adipose tissue. Some stored fats are created directly from fats in our food, but others are synthesized in the body from surplus sugars and other nutrients. During longer periods of food deprivation, fat can be converted into glucose and a secondary form of fuel called ketones, which can similarly be utilized by the body and brain.
Conversion of fat into glucose
What is the signal for hunger or satiety?
Glucose levels (and therefore insulin levels) can be an additional appetite signal, but not the only signal. People with untreated diabetes have very high levels of circulating glucose, but they are constantly hungry. Somehow, the brain integrates glucose and insulin levels with other hypothalamic signals to decide whether to initiate eating.
Ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH)
In rats, bilateral lesions of the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) resulted in the animals eating to excess (hyperphagia). However, it’s not as simple as the VMH being the satiety center. The rats with VMH lesions exhibited a period of rapid weight gain but then stabilized at a new, higher body weight and would eat only to the extent needed to defend the new weight- shows that VMH isn’t the sole satiety controller.
Lateral hypothalamus (LH)
Rats with lesions of the lateral hypothalamus (LH) experienced a cessation of eating (aphagia). These rats lost weight, but stabilized at a lower set point- not the sole “hunger center”.
Which hormones does the body use to warn the hypothalamus about nutrient surplus/deficiency? (4)
- Leptin
- Insulin
- Ghrelin
- PYY (3-36)
Leptin is a peptide hormone with receptors located throughout the brain (including the cortex and hypothalamic appetite network). The brain seems to monitor circulating leptin levels to measure and regulate the body’s energy reserves in the form of fat. Defects in leptin production or leptin sensitivity cause a false underreporting of body fat and lead to overeating, especially of high fat and sugary foods.
Which cells release leptin?
Fat cells
Ghrelin is a powerful appetite stimulant. Circulating levels of ghrelin rise during fasting and immediately drop after a meal is eaten. Ghrelin has an important role in both seeking and consuming food.
Which cells release ghrelin?
Released into the bloodstream by the endocrine cells of the stomach
PYY (3-36)
PYY is an appetite suppressant. It is at a low level in the blood prior to eating, but the level rises rapidly after a meal. It appears that PYY 3-36 acts in opposition to ghrelin, providing an appetite-suppressing stimulus to the hypothalamus. Lower than average levels of PYY are associated with a tendency toward obesity.
Which cells release PYY?
PYY is released into the bloodstream by the cells of the small and large intestines.
Where do feeding hormones travel to in the brain?
2 sets of neurons in the arcuate nucleus in the hypothalamus
2 sets of neurons in the hypothalamus
2. NPY
POMC neurons
POMC neurons act as satiety neurons when activated, inhibiting appetite and increasing metabolism. High circulating levels of leptin activate the appetite-suppressing POMC neurons
NPY neurons
NPY neurons (which produce neuropeptide Y) act as hunger neurons, stimulating appetite directly and also inhibiting POMC neurons. High circulating levels of leptin inhibit the appetite-stimulating NPY neurons
What is the function of ghrelin and PYY in the arcuate appetite system?
These hormones provide more rapid, hour to hour hunger signals from the stomach and gut. Both ghrelin and PYY act primarily on the appetite-stimulating NPY neurons of the arcuate. Ghrelin stimulates these cells to cause an increase in appetite, while PYY acts in opposition, inhibiting the same NPY cells to reduce appetite.
Orexigenic neurons
Located mainly in the lateral hypothalamus and act to increase appetite and food intake.
Anorexigenic neurons
Located in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) act to decrease appetite and food intake.