Chapter 14 Flashcards
The ISO’s key responsibility is to recognize incident hazards and make corrective recommendations to prevent injuries to responders.
The ISO must check in with the IC and, after receiving a briefing, conduct an independent 360 degree assessment of the incident.
High humidity can cause smoke to remain close to the ground, obscuring visibility of the building.
The ISO must continuously monitor wind velocity and direction to ensure personnel and hose streams are not placed in a windward position.
Generally, wind speeds greater than 20 mph will reduce aerial ladder load capacity.
Personnel operating at a scene with high intensity activity must be provided proper work/rest periods and follow the recommendations in NFPA 1584, standard on the rehabilitation process for members during emergency operations and training exercises.
Cardiac related events at emergency incidents are a leading cause of firefighter illness and death.
It is critical that medical surveillance monitoring and proper rehabilitation is established at emergency and planned events.
High noise levels can also lead to a condition called tunnel hearing.
Tunnel hearing can cause people to concentrate so closely on one task that they lose their sense of situational awareness.
Longer shifts equate to lessened situational awareness, which increases the risk of injury.
Research shows that fires go through four distinct stages: incipient, growth, fully developed, and decay.
ISOs should assume that an entire structure is the compartment that fire is affecting rather than just the compartment of origin.
Open interior doors, hallways, and stairwells connecting rooms extend the possible growth potential of a fire beyond its compartment of origin.
At a fire scene, the stages of fire development are a guide for what could occur during the fire but are not a pattern of what will occur every time.
The ISO should forecast fire spread based on fire department suppression efforts and conduct an ongoing assessment of hazards as they relate to the stages of fire growth.
The type of fuel involved in combustion affects the heat release rate.
Fires involving class B and C fuels will eventually spread to the building contents and structure, resulting in a primarily class A fueled fire.
In a compartment fire, surface to mass ratio is one of the most fundamental class A fuel characteristics influencing fire development.
Combustible materials with high surface to mass ratios are much more easily ignited and will burn more quickly than the same substance with less surface area.
Fires involving class B flammable/combustible liquids will be influenced by the surface area and type of fuel involved.
A liquid fuel spill will increase that liquid’s surface to volume ratio generating more flammable vapors than the same liquid in an open container.
Burning synthetic fuels produces products of combustion that contain large quantities of solid and liquid particulates and unburned gases.
Heat release rate - total amount of heat produced or released to the atmosphere from the convective lift phase of a fire, per unit of mass of fuel consumed per unit time.
Just like with solids, an increase in a liquid’s surface area correlates to the generation of more flammable vapors.
A compartment fire that results from a flammable/combustible gas leak may begin with a rapid ignition of the gas and an explosion.
Factors that influence the availability and location of additional fuels include the building configuration, construction materials, contents, and proximity of the initial fire to these exposed fuel sources.
In buildings where the construction materials are flammable, the materials themselves add to the structure’s fuel load.
Plywood is easily ignited, even while level and horizontal, because it has a high surface to mass ratio.
The contents of a structure are often the most readily available fuel source, significantly influencing fire development in a compartment fire.
When contents rapidly release a large amount of heat, both the intensity of the fire and speed of development will be increased.
Polyurethane foam has a high surface to mass ratio and will continue to burn after it has liquefied.
Pyrolize - description of the process of a solid beginning to emit gases due to heat exposure.
Fuels located in the upper level of adjacent compartments will pyrolize more quickly from the effect of the hot gas layer.
Residential structures built after 1990 burn hotter, faster, and produce more smoke with flammable properties than traditional or legacy construction.
Slower fire development is due to the greater volume of air and the increased distance radiated heat must travel from the fire to the contents that must be heated.
A large volume of air will support the development of a larger fire before the lack of ventilation becomes the limiting factors.
Ventilation in a compartment significantly influences how fire develops and spreads.
When sufficient oxygen is available, the characteristics and configuration of the fuel control fire development, Under these conditions, the fire is said to be fuel-controlled.
Fuel controlled - A fire with adequate oxygen in which the heat release rate and growth rate are determined by the characteristics of the fuel, such as quantity and geometry.
Ventilation controlled - Fire with limited ventilation in which the heat release rate and growth is limited by the amount of oxygen available to the fire.
When the available air supply begins to limit fire development in a compartment fire, the fire is said to be ventilation controlled.
When a fire becomes ventilation controlled, the available supply will determine the speed and extent of fire development and the direction of fire travel.
When considering fire development, personnel should consider potential openings that could change the ventilation profile under fire conditions.
Bi direction flow paths, sometimes created by the task ventilation, can be deadly to firefighters and civilians inside the structure.
When the fire becomes ventilation controlled, the fire’s HRR will decrease.
Heat reflectivity - increases fire spread through the transfer of radiant heat from wall surfaces to adjacent fuel sources.
Retention - maintains temperature by slowly absorbing and releasing large amounts of heat.
Ambient conditions, such as high humidity and cold temperatures, can slow the natural movement of smoke.
If a window fails or a door is opened on the windward side of a structure, fire intensity and spread can increase significantly, creating a blowtorch effect.
A compartment’s thermal properties contribute to the accumulation of heat.
Cold temperatures can cause smoke to appear white and give a false impression of the interior conditions based upon the color of smoke.
Atmospheric air pressure can also cause smoke to remain close to the ground, obscuring visibility during size up.
A ceiling jet convects heat through the ceiling, which in turn radiates heat back down toward the room some distance away.
Unconfined fires draw air from all sides and the entrainment of air cools the plume of hot gases, reducing flame length and vertical extension.
When the fuel package is not in the middle of the room, the combustion zone expands vertically.
The expanded combustion zone increases both the temperatures in the developing hot gas layer at ceiling level and the spread of the ceiling jet.
The thermal layering of gases, sometimes referred to as heat stratification and thermal balance, is the tendency of gases to form into layers according to temperature.
Changes in ventilation and flow path can significantly alter the thermal layering.
As the volume and temperature of the hot gas layer increases, so does the pressure.
The interface of the hot and cooler gas layers at the opening is commonly referred to as the neutral plane because the pressure is neutral where the layers meet.
The neutral plane will lower as the fire burns the available fuel in the compartment.
During the development of a compartment fire, pyrolysis of exposed fuels can produce combustible gases, which can gather at locations in the layer some distance away from the fire plume.
Radiated heat from a fire can pyrolize nearby materials.
Use effective fire control and ventilation tactics to raise the position of the hot gas layer.
As the fire moves through the growth stage and becomes ventilation controlled, isolated flames may be observed moving through the hot gas layer.
Rapid transition from the growth stage to the fully developed stage is known as flashover.
Most fires that develop beyond the incipient stage become ventilation controlled.
Under laboratory conditions or when fire is fuel controlled, flashover occurs during the growth stage.
The fully developed stage occurs when all combustible materials in the compartment are burning.