Chapter 14 Flashcards
a process in which the materials of Earth’s surface are loosened, dissolved, or worn away and transported from one place to another by a natural agent, such as wind, water, ice, or gravity.
the movement of a large mass of sediment or a section of land down a slope
Mass Movement
thick, tropical soils that contain iron and aluminum minerals that do not dissolve easily in water.
the slow, downslope flow of soil saturated with water in areas surrounding glaciers at high elevations
The part of a rock that is exposed to air, water, and other agents of weathering
Surface Area
the process by which rocks break down as a result of chemical reactions
Chemical Weathering
a loose mixture of rock fragments and organic material that can support the growth of vegetation
the process by which softer, less weather resistant rocks wear away at a faster rate than harder, more weather resistant rocks do.
Differential Weathering
a chemical reaction between water and another substance to form two or more new substances
particles have a diameter from 0.002 to 0.05 mm.
natural zones of weakness within the rock.
mountains that are not being uplifted become low, featureless surfaces
Whatdoelichensandmossesproducethataffect weathering ?
Weak Acids
Describe artic climates
rainfall is minimal and chemical weathering occurs slowly.
too warm or too cold to sustain life, so their soils have little humus.
The soil is thin and consist mostly of regolith-evidence.
Artic soil
Whataretheagentsof weathering?
ice, plants and animals, gravity, running water, and wind.
What things call cause abrasion ?
Gravity & Running Water
As a rock breaks into smaller pieces, the surface area that is exposed increases.
The larger the surface area, the higher the rate of weathering.
Limestone and other sedimentary rocks that contain calcite
hot and cold weather
Crop rotation, contour plowing, and terracing
mountains, plains, and plateaus.
Ice Wedging and Abrasion
hot, dry climates.
Oxidation, hydrolysis, acid precipitation, and carbonation
A, B , and C horizons
farmers plant one type of crop one year and a different type of crop the next.a farmer might plant a crop that will be harvested one year, and then plant a cover crop the next year. The cover crop does not get harvested. It helps to slow runoff and hold the soil in place.
Well mechanical weathering is the process by which rocks break down into smaller pieces by physical means and chemical weathering is the process by which rocks break down as a result of chemical reactions.
the process by which softer, less weather resistant rocks wear away at a faster rate than harder, more weather resistant rocks do.