Chapter 14 Flashcards
Still upset of their loss in the Franco-Prussian War, France wanted to recover…
their lost territories of Alsace and Lorraine
What was the Schlieffen Plan designed to avoid?
a war on two fronts
How did Germany encourage Austria’s actions after the assassination of the archduke?
Germany backed Austria with a “blank check,” giving the Austrian leaders confidence in their course of action
Which nations made up the Triple Entente?
France, Russia, Britain
What was the intention of forming alliances?
To promote peace by creating powerful combinations that no one would attack
In order for the Schlieffen Plan to work…
Germany had to defeat France quickly
Why did Britain declare war?
Britain had an agreement guaranteeing Belgian neutrality
Why were young men on both sides eager to fight when World War I started?
Because of a renewed sense of patriotism
Which of the following was a major cause of rising international tensions in the early 1900s?
competition for colonial territories
Leading to the arms race in Europe prior to World War I was militarism, or…
the glorification of the military
Lots of new technology emerged during World War I. Which two new or improved weapons were deadly to the soldiers?
the long-range artillery gun and rapid-fire machine gun
Why did Japan make and alliance with Britain and join into World War I?
To seize German outposts in China and islands in the Pacific
European colonies were drawn into World War I. What did the colonies expect for their service in the war?
Citizenship or independence
The Italians had a defeat as disastrous as the Russian defeat in 1914. Where was the Italian defeat which was caused by a major offensive by the Austrians and the Germans?
a. Gallipoli
b. Tannenberg
c. Dardanelles
d. Caporetto
d. Caporetto
What advancing technology led to the use of tanks, airplanes, and submarines against each other?
gasoline-powered engine
T.E. Lawrence played a key role in…
the Arab revolt against the Ottoman Empire
How did new weapons make trench warfare necessary?
Trenches were dug to protect soldiers from shells and waves of bullets
Which of the following had the greatest impact on the outcome of the war?
a. zeppelins
b. u-boats
c. tanks
d. poison gas
b. u-boats
Of all of the great powers of the world during World War I, which was the least industrialized and most poorly equipped to fight a modern war?
Poison gas was first used in 1915 by Germany. The gas blinded and choked it victims. It was effective, but uncertain because of…
shifting winds
International law allowed blockades to confiscate contraband. What items were not seen as contraband?
food and clothing
How did Germany strike at Britain’s economy?
Germany tried to stop the flow of goods to Britain by using submarines to sink ships.
After hearing about the overthrow of the Russian tsar, what did the Allies hope would happen?
They would institute a democratic government
What started in St. Petersburg, that eventually lead to a revolution in which the Russian monarchy was overthrown?
bread riot
What were some of the terms of Wilson’s Fourteen Points? Choose more than one
a. Free trade
b. no secret treaties
c. Freedom of the seas
d. arms reduction
All of them
What idealistic reasons did President Wilson use when asking Congress to declare war on Germany and also later on?
as a war to end war and to make the world safe for democracy
In the middle of the war Germany was able to concentrate its forces on the Western Front because….
the Russian’s withdrew from the war
Why were people tired of war by 1917?
there were many casualties, food shortages, and few decisive victories
Universal military conscription was imposed in every warring nation but Britain. What did conscription require?
All young men to be ready for military or other service.
In 1917, what event boosted the morale of the Allies?
The United States joined the war.
The Allies wanted to blame the massive conflict on their defeated foe so after World War I was over, the Central Powers had to pay ___.
The spread of a disease across a large area is a…
Political ___, or people that wanted to make extreme changes, dreamed of building a new social order from the chaos.
President Wilson held firm to one of his Fourteen Points, the League of Nations. The League was based on the idea of ___.
collective security
Why did the League of Nations fail to accomplish Wilson’s dream?
The League was too weak to stop new wars from starting.
The victorious Allies added to their overseas empires by creating a system of ___. For example Britain and France gained territory in Africa.
mandates (territories administered by Western powers, were to be held until they could stand alone, but this didn’t happen)
The Central Powers viewed the armistice as a cease-fire, not a surrender. While the cease-fire was on they were looking for a…
Colonies felt different when the colonial soldiers returned home after the war. The new view of the imperial powers was…
they were not as invincible as they seemed
What did the Treaty of Versailles create in Europe?
An angry Germany and the groundwork for a future war
lost Alsace and Lorraine, reparations, arms reduction
Germany was forced to sign the Treaty of Versailles without any chance of negotiating its terms. German resentment will poison the international climate for years leading to…
another world war
Under the stress of war..
governments had collapsed in Germany, Russia, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire
Conservatives warned against the spread of…
Bolshevism (communism)
The fate of the Central Powers was decided at..
the Paris Peace Conference but the Central Powers and Russia weren’t invited
David Lloyd George wanted____Georges Clemenceau wanted____ and Vittorio Orlando
for Germany to weaken
the Austrian Hungary lands that were promised
Self Determination
desire to become an independent state
The United States didn’t join the LON because
we didn’t want to be dragged into future wars
What weakened the LON?
The loss of the US