Chapter 14 Flashcards
How does Operant Conditioning contribute to gender roles?
Even before the child can talk, parents speak to and play with their daughters differently than they do with their sons
Parents will reward children with toy associated with their gender. But few children who asked their parents for toys not associated with their gender were much less likely to get what they wanted.
How are Gender-role behaviors acquired through observational learning?
Parents are big role models
gender-role behavior tends to resemble that of our mother or father
children learn which behaviors are expected of males and which are expected of females by watching siblings, playmates, neighbors, and television characters
Explain an important step with internalizing gender roles through observational learning:
child must first notice that a behavior is performed more often by one gender than the other
How did the way be measure masculinity and femininity change?
Used to be on one continuum (if high masc, automatically low fem)
Changed it so they are independent measures (can be high on both, low on both, or high one one / low on other)
What was an early assumption of gender roles and well-being?
the more people’s gender-role behavior matched their gender, the more psychologically healthy they were
What is the current thinking around gender roles and well-being? (which group is healthiest)
androgynous people!
Ex. Masculine people do well as long as the situation calls for a masculine response, such as asserting one’s rights or taking over the leadership of a group.
But when masculine individuals are called on to act in a traditionally feminine manner, such as showing compassion or sensitivity, they falter
In hypothetical character sketches of individuals from each of the four gender type categories, which is liked the most?
androgynous person is liked more!
Undergraduates in one study said the androgynous person was likely more popular, more interesting, better adjusted, more competent, more intelligent, and more successful than people described in masculine, feminine, or undifferentiated terms
- Also found androgenous ppl = more romantically desirable
do these impressions of hypothetical people translate into actual desirability of androgenous people?
masculine men and feminine women paired up enjoyed their interactions the least.
- More enjoyment when androgenous person is paired up with somebody (other persons group doesn’t really matter)
Does the desirability of androgenous people translate to long-term realtionships?
Researchers find the highest level of relationship satisfaction among people who are married to either an androgynous or a feminine spouse; that is someone who possesses feminine characteristics
What is it that makes feminine or androgynous people preferable romantic partners? (two reasons)
- Higher on femininity: affectionate, compassionate, and sensitive to others’ needs
- able to express romantic feelings (sensitivity and the understanding needed for intimacy as well as the assertiveness and willingness to take the risks required to make things happen)
What is the difference between communion (femininity) and unmitigated communion?
(Basically, ex. being feminine, or being on the extreme of femininity)
unmitigated communion (femininity): can become so concerned with taking care of others that they sacrifice their own needs and interests. Also don’t assert themselves
-People high in unmitigated communion tend to score low on measures of well-being and self-esteem
- Health issues might take a back-seat when it comes to caring for their family (wont do bed rest etc)
What is the difference between agency (masculinity) and unmitigated agency?
(Basically being masculine vs being on extreme of masculinity)
Unmitigated Agency (masculine): insensitive to the needs of others and who always opts to go his own way. Such individuals tend to be narcissistic, focusing on themselves to the exclusion of others
- Will not accept help from others (even if health is on the line)
- few close friends and are reluctant to seek or receive help from others
What does decades of research say about IRL aggression and media aggression?
people exposed to aggressive models sometimes imitate the aggressive behavior
Why do individuals sometimes imitate aggression when most of the time they do not? (Bandura’s Answer)
Observational learning and performance consist of four interrelated processes.
People must go through each of four steps before exposure to aggression leads them to act aggressively
Explain Bandura’s four steps of exposure that leads ppl to act aggressively:
- attend
- remember
- enact
- expect
- attend to the aggressive action
- Pay attention to aggressive act (sometimes ppl do this when frustrated) - remember the information
- Practice and mental rehearsal can keep the action fresh in our minds - enact what they have seen
- Might know from movies how to hold and fire gun, but don’t have access to one. shooting someone with a handgun is one learned behavior I will probably never enact - expect that rewards will be forthcoming
- “elementary school bullies often believe their aggressive acts toward other children will result in higher social status and popularity”
- learn what is likely to happen to us as a result of imitating aggressive actions (if aggressive hero is praised, might act the same way)