Chapter 14 Flashcards
What is Pull Technology?
User states a need before information is retrieved.
When a URL is entered into a web browser to go to a website.
What is Push Technology?
A Web server delivers information to users (who have subscribed for the service), instead of waiting for users to request the information to be sent to them
E.g. “A newer version of Adobe flash is available”
Builds customer loyalty
Improves business relationships and customer service
What are Application Service Providers?
Provides access to software or a service at a fee.
“Software as a Service” is a model in which ASPs deliver software to users for a fee (SaaS)
Software can be temporary or for long term use
Advantages of ASP’s?
-Lower Cost
-Information available quicker
-No worrying wether the software is current and up to date
-IT staff have more time to focus on programmes that are of strategic importance
-Software development cost if distributed over several clients meaning expenses in development of software can be absorbed and better software developed
-Software is kept up to date based on user requests
-Contact guarantees a certain level of technical support
-Software cost becomes a fixed monthly fee
Disadvantages of ASP?
-Integration with other software and applications might be problematic
-Software is not specifically adjusted for user needs
-Since development of applications are not controlled by organisation, applications might not address all user’s needs
What is Virtual reality?
Uses computer generated 3D images to create the illusion of interaction in a real world environment
What is CAVE?
Cave Automatic Virtual Environment
Virtual environment consisting of a cube-shaped room with projection monitors for walls
What are the types of virtual environments?
Egocentric: Totally immersed
Exocentric: Window view (no interaction)
Application of VR?
Assistance for disabled
Architectural design
Flight simulation
What is a virtual world?
Simulated environment designed for users to communicate with each other through the use of avatars
What is an avatar?
2D or 3D graphical representations of people in virtual world.
What is Augmented reality?
Augments the real world with a digital overlay
Google Glass
What is mixed reality?
- Augments the real world with a digital overlay
- Mixed between virtual and augmented reality
- Usually with a headset
Might be what Facebook Meta has in mind with their metaverse
What is the uses Cloud Computing?
Widely used:
Working remotely
What is Grid Computing?
Combines the processing power of several computers
Users can use each other’s computer resources to solve problems involving large-scale, complex calculations.