Chapter 14 Flashcards
animal, animālis
n. 3rd a living creature, animal
aqua, aquae
f. 1st water
ars, artis
f. 3rd art, skill
auris, auris
f. 3rd ear
cīvis, cīvis
m./f. 3rd citizen
iūs, iūris
n. 3rd right, justice, law
mare, maris
n. 3rd sea
mors, mortis
f. 3rd death
nūbēs, nūbis
f. 3rd cloud
ōs, ōris
n. 3rd mouth, face
pars, partis
f. 3rd part, share; direction
Rōma, Rōmae
f. 1st Rome
turba, turbae
f. 1st uproar, disturbance; mob, crowd, multitude
vīs, vīs
f. 3rd force, power, violence
ā, ab
+ abl., from, away from; by (agent)
+ acc., across
appellō, appellāre, appellāvī, appellātum
to speak to, address (as), call, name
currō, currere, cucurrī, cursum
to run, rush, move quickly
mūtō, mūtāre, mūtāvī, mūtātum
to change, alter; exchange
teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentum
to hold, maintain
vītō, vītāre, vītāvī, vītātum
to avoid, shun