Chapter 12 Flashcards
adulēscēns, adulēscentis
m./f. 3rd young man or woman
animus, animī
m. 2nd soul, spirit, mind
animī, animōrum
m. 2nd pl. high spirits, pride, courage
annus, annī
m. 2nd year
Asia, Asiae
f. 1st Asia
Caesar, Caesaris
māter, mātris
f. 3rd mother
medicus, medicī
m. 2nd doctor, physician
membrum, membrī
n. 2nd limb, part of the body
pater, patris
m. 3rd father
patientia, patientiae
f. 1st suffering; patience, endurance
prīncipium, prīncipiī
n. 2nd beginning
acerbus, acerba, acerbum
harsh, bitter, grievous
+ abl., in front of, before, on behalf of, in return for, instead of, for ,as
āmittō, āmittere, āmīsī, āmissum
to send away; lose, let go
cadō, cadere, cecidī, cāsūrum
to fall
creō, creāre, creāvī, creātum
to create
mittō, mittere, mīsī, missum
to send; let go; throw, hurl