Chapter 14 Flashcards
What is business risk?
- The riskiness inherent in the firm’s operations if it uses no debt
- A commonly used measure of business risk is ROIC
What determines business risk?
- Competition
- Uncertainty about demand (sales)
- Uncertainty about output prices
- Uncertainty about costs
- Product obsolescence
- Foreign risk exposure
- Regulatory risk and legal exposure
- Operating leverage
What is operating leverage and how does it affect a firm’s business risk?
- Operating leverage is the use of fixed costs rather than variable costs
- If most costs are fixed, hence do not decline when demand falls, then the firm has high operating leverage
Effect of operating leverage
More operating leverage leads to more business risk, for then a small sales decline causes a big profit decline
Return on Invested Capital (ROIC)
- ROIC measures the after-tax return that the company provides for all its investors
- ROIC doesn’t vary with changes in capital structure
What is financial leverage?
The use of debt and preferred stock
What is financial risk?
The additional risk concentrated on common stockholders as a result of financial leverage
Business Risk vs. Financial Risk
-Business risk depends on business factors such as competition, product obsolescence, and operating leverage
- Financial risk depends only on the types of securities issued:
1. More debt, more financial risk
2. Concentrates business risk on stockholders
Optimal Capital Structure
- The capital structure (mix of debt, preferred, and common equity) at which P0 is maximized
- Trades off higher E(ROE) and EPS against higher risk. The tax-related benefits of leverage are exactly offset by the debt’s risk-related costs
- The target capital structure is the mix of debt, preferred stock, and common equity with which the firm intends to raise capital
Why do the bond rating and cost of debt depend upon the amount of debt borrowed?
As the firm borrows more money, the firm increases its financial risk causing the firm’s bond rating to decrease and its cost of debt to increase
Sequence of Events in a Recapitalization
- Firm announces the recapitalization
- New debt is issued
- Proceeds are used to repurchase stock:
- The number of shares repurchased is equal to the amount of debt issued divided by price per share
What effect does more debt have on a firm’s cost of equity?
- If the level of debt increases, the firm’s risk increases
- We have already observed the increase in the cost of debt
- However, the risk of the firm’s equity also increases, resulting in a higher rs
Hamada Equation
- Because the increased use of debt causes both the costs of debt and equity to increase, we need to estimate the new cost of equity
- The Hamada equation attempts to quantify the increased cost of equity due to financial leverage
- Uses the firm’s unlevered beta, which represents the firm’s business risk as if it had no debt.
Finding Optimal Capital Structure
- Minimizes WACC
- Maximizes stock price
***Both methods yield the same results
What if there were more business risk than originally estimated, how would the analysis be affected?
If there were higher business risk, then the probability of financial distress would be greater at any debt level, and the optimal capital structure would be one that had less debt
What if there were less business risk than originally estimated, how would the analysis be affected?
However, lower business risk would lead to an optimal capital structure with more debt
MM Irrelevance Theory
- The graph shows MM’s tax benefit vs. bankruptcy cost theory
- Logical, but doesn’t tell whole capital structure story
- Main problem: assumes investors have same information as managers`
Incorporating Signaling Effects
- Signaling theory suggests firms should use less debt than MM suggest
- This unused debt capacity helps avoid stock sales, which depress stock price because of signaling effects
What are “signaling” effects in capital structure? Assumptions?
- Managers have better information about a firm’s long-run value than outside investors
- Managers act in the best interests of current stockholders
What are “signaling” effects in capital structure? What can managers be expected to do?
- Issue stock if they think stock is overvalued
- Issue debt if they think stock is undervalued
- As a result, investors view a stock offering negatively; managers think stock is overvalued
Conclusions on Capital Structure
- Need to make calculations as we did, but should also recognize inputs are “guesstimates”
- As a result of imprecise numbers, capital structure decisions have a large judgmental content
- We end up with capital structures varying widely among firms, even similar firms in same industry