Chapter 13: Vertical Ventilation Flashcards
Fire fighters should sound every route with a hand to as the events, except for Ruth’s covered with?
Tile or slate
Firefighters must also be aware of the potentially dangerous levels of electrical power (up to__voltsDC, add up to 8 Amps) Inherent in a rooftop solar panels.
600 Volts
Whenever five photos are on a roof, the building should be loaded on at least___side.
Two sides
Firefighters to sound the roof with the________of a pike pole, rubbish work, or axe at any time they attempt access.
Blunt end
The roof surface may sound stable even when?
The underlying structure has been weekend by the fire. This is especially true with trusses sounding alone is not a guarantee of roof stability.
In general, the strongest points of any roof or where the roof meets the?
Outside walls, directly overall support, and a ridges or valleys.
The weakest point of a roof are?
Between the support
Firefighters can reduce the risk of falling into a fire we can roof by walking only?
Over roof supports
Most roof assemblies employ a parallel rafter system with Rafter spaced from______inches on center, spanning the shortest distance between the structural members or bearing walls.
12 to 24 inches
The safest way to cut A roof with an ax is?
Do you short, controlled strokes, with the ax head cutting to the side of the firefighters feet not between them.
Five in twelve roof is the most common pitch on a residential roof in areas With____climates.
A roof designed to withstand a heavy snow load may have a_______pitch.
Twelve in twelve (45 degree angle)
This roof style is found on mini barns, churches, and commercial buildings with rural style construction.
Lantern roof
This type of roof may be constructed wood mantle pitch trusses, which employee only a single web member.
Shed roof
When venting pitched roofs, in the absence of thermal imaging camera, the first route cut should be parallel to the ridge to help identify whether_______are located.
In many areas,___rules are more common on Emerson towers in industrial buildings, multiple dwellings in apartment complexes then on single-family dwellings.
Flat roofs
There is often a concealed space between a flat roof and the ceiling of the top floor below, what is this called?
Attic, cock cloth, call space, or interstitial space
This roof is most common on buildings with flat or arch rules.
Rain roof
This roof may present a hazard if lightweight plywood or OSB decking is used.
Wooden deck roof
Because these roofs are so difficult to breach, some have built in knock out panels.
Concrete roof
When cutting holes in flat roofs, Thick tar coverings may come up chainsaws, so what may be a better choice?
Rotary saw
An arch rules typically arches are space at__to__foot centers.
16 to 20 foot
What are the three most common types of arched roofs?
Bow string arches
Trussless arches
Lamella acrches
The most common types of roof trusses are?
Parallel cord trusses
Pitched roof trusses
The most common sub trait is_______, also called roofing felt.
Tar paper
Skylights equipped with__________panels or ordinary window glass can act as automatic vents because the temperature of a fire will melt the plastic or caused the glass to break and fall.
Thermal plastic panels
Current practice and some of the busiest and most experience truck companies in________is to leave turbine Vents alone.
North America
When coming to a roof, firefighters should make the opening______or_______end at right angles to the bearing walls to increase fire fire safety and to facilitate repairs after the fire.
Square or rectangular
When rolling back penalize rules, this technique we choirs____firefighters.
Four firefighters-Two with chainsaws in to with rubbish hooks- working in unison.
Trench ventilation is accomplished by cutting an opening in the roof, at least_____wide
4 feet