Chapter 10: Fire Ground Search And Rescue Flashcards
Firefighters can greatly maintain the orientation within the building if they use the_____to identify the possible alternative escape routes before they enter.
If possible, the fire tech should be started before or___________with any interior search operations.
Fully occupied places of public assembly in high-rise office buildings have a greater_____________than most other building types.
Life safety hazard
In most residential occupancy’s, the highest occupant load are to be expected during the_______hours when people are likely to be home and asleep.
Late night and early morning
The occupant load in buildings such as hospitals, nursing homes, and other residential care facilities are____affected by the time of day or the day of the week.
Variables are related to the need for search and rescue include the following considerations
- Type of construction
- Fire load
- occupancy type
- Occupant load
- Size of the fire
- How the fire is behaving
Rapid intervention crew is___required for them to enter the hazard zone for search and rescue.
The two objectives of a building search are?
- Locating victims
* Obtaining information about the location in extent of the fire
Locating trap occupant involves both primary and___________.
Secondary searches
Firefighters should perform a_________________ before each major step in the operation.
Risk/benefit Analysis
Doing primary search, firefighters must be sure to check the known or likely locations of victims as quickly as conditions______.
These standard priorities dictate that search teams focus their efforts as follows:
- Most severely threaten
- Largest numbers
- Remainder of hazard zone
- Exposures
Every search team should carry at least the following
- Portable radio
- Hand light
- Forcible entry tools
- Thermal imaging camera (if available)
- Marking devices
Most thermal images use one of two technologies
- Microbolometer technology
* BST (barium,strontium,titanium) technology
Some thermal images are designed primarily for locating The seat of a fire by being calibrated to respond to temperature in excess of?
900°F or (465°C)
Thermal images can also be used on the____of a burning building to help identify the best location for a vent elation exit opening and to locate ____ support.
A________occurs when the thermal imager is overwhelmed by the heat signature produced by a very intense fire in the screen suddenly goes white.
White out
What are the two major advantages of using a thermal imager doing primary search?
Speed and effectiveness
This technique is used in support of a fire attack or independently of it. Firefighters create________by closing interior doors to isolate the fire and then remove heat and smoke from uninvolved areas with positive pressure ventilation or hydraulic ventilation.
Safe zone
This technique is known as safe zoning
When search teams must progress deep into large and complex buildings, their____________must be maintained. This can be done by positioning hose teams at intervals along the ___________ To cool the hot gas later and maintain control of the exit Corredor.
Line of retreat
This method is known as guarding the line of retreat
Doing a search once inside the room, firefighters should start their search as close to the fire as possible and then work back towards the_________.
Entry door
What does the acronym VES mean
Vent enter search
The search line consist of___ ft.³ of 3/8 inch rope with a Kevlar sheath for maximum abrasion protection and heat resistance.
200 feet
Every__ feet along its length, a 2 inch steel ring is tied into the search line.
20 feet
Both areas of refuge in areas of rescue and assistance must be equipped with?
Emergency communications systems
A____________is conducted after the fire is under control and the most serious hazards have been mitigated.
Secondary search
In order of priority, the most critical areas in a multi story building are as follows.
- The fire floor
- The floor directly above the fire
- The top most floor
In buildings with multiple stairways, one should be designated for_____________and another for firefighting operations.
Occupant egress
Whether in kit form or not, rapid intervention Crews need the following tools and equipment at structure fires:
- Full PPE and SCBA
- Appropriate communications equipment
- Thermal imaging cameras
- personal illumination equipment
- forcible entry tools
- rescue air supply
- rescue rope’s
- Rescue litters
Each member of the RIC should be equipped with at least one affective________.
Lighting device
Rescue intervention operations on scene can be classified into two modes:
Standby and deployment
The RIC leader must obtain the following information.
- how many firefighters are in distress
- The last known location of the missing firefighters
- If Radio contact been established or a distress signal has been received
- The radio channel on which the missing firefighters may transmit or receive
- If a tagline or hose line can be used to help locate the missing firefighters