Chapter 13 Study Guide Flashcards
Largest cities in America
NYC. Chicago. Philadelphia.
NAACP-what it did
Tried to get people to protest violence and discrimination
Scopes trial
Trial on teaching evolution and whether schools should allow it
Women and Protestant Catholics supported it. It fails because there is no possible way to monitor and make sure people don’t obtain alcohol
Volstead act
Started prohibition
Belief that everything in the Bible should be taken literally.
Marcus Garvey
Started back to Africa movement and the UNIA
Flapper image
Not everyone was a flapper. Was an image of rebellious women
An illegals saloon hidden because of the prohibition act
A high security federal prison where the worst criminals were sent
Al Capone
A famous bootlegger who made millions off of selling black market alcohol
Margaret Sanger
Brought birth control to women and created planned parenthood
Billy Sunday
Was a famous base ball player then became a preacher who practiced fundamentalism
Bessie Smith
Outstanding vocalist. Highest paid at the time
Shuffle along
A black comedy musical and may have started the Harlem renaissance