Chapter 13: Motor system Flashcards
The motor system
Movement starts out with the decision to move (frontal decision-an executive decision).
Motor planning areas-what it is that we are going to do (frontal lobe- what we need to do to achieve the goal that we set) (pre-central cortex=just in front of the central gyrus)
Control circuits- peripheral inputs (basal ganglia and the cerebellum- help with motor plan by detecting things like trajectory and speed.
Motor tracts (UMN)- neurons that extend from motor cortex down to the spinal cord. Motor neuron part of efferent motor system that start in the cortex and end in the spinal cord.
Motor neurons (LMN)- neurons that start in the spinal cord and end in a muscle. Ventral horn of spinal cord and end at a muscle
Skeletal muscles- are the target of all of this activity. A-alpha actually make the muscles move and A-gamma maintain tension to let brain know info about muscle.
Muscle is nothing but proteins- some structural and some contractile
Composed of a bunch of myofibrils- a bunch of muscle fibers
a bunch of proteins that help a muscle contract.
-contractile unit of a muscle. Contains all of the structural and all of the active proteins for one little contractile unit
Z line
the structural end of a sarcomere (protein that defines boundaries of a sarcomere)
M line
a structural protein that myosin is hung on. Anchors in place in a sarcomere.
Final structural protein (light brown) extends from one end of sarcomere to another and is like a rubber band, big job is to resist a stretch that would pull the sarcomere apart. is elastic.
Skeletal muscle
When action potential arrives and calcium spills down into sarcomeres and both z lines come towards the middle and then they relax (actin climbs on the jungle gym of myosin and shortens the muscle.
Calcium makes actin climb and shortens the muscle.
A-alpha neuron brings an action potential to neuromuscular junction and creates an EPSP so it contracts (only has a gas pedal so you either step on the gas or don’t and let the muscle relax)
Acytocholine creates the EPSP opens the membrane and lets calcium get down and activates actin and actin climbs myosin and the muscle shortens/contracts.
try to lengthen a muscle but it wont let go
Cross bridges
When active crawls on to the base of myosin. When actin and myosin are in contact.
4 things that makes a muscle stiff.
Titin- Can be stiff because we reach the elastic limit of titin (feels stiff to stretch further) stiffness of titin is important when the muscle is pathologically short (contracture)
Active contraction- actin is pulling on myosin and we cannot stretch out arm because cross bridges are being formed. Active contractions can be voluntary (an active contraction) or involuntary (Parkinson’s disease- involuntary contractions of core muscles that make muscles stiff all the time due to damage to the brain telling the muscles to contract even when they don’t want to or need to.
Weak actin-myosin bonds- slight initial resistance (lightly stuck Velcro) happens when the muscle doesn’t move. As we sit muscles get stuck together (just need to move to break up the weak bods) pull bonds apart and make the muscle move again. Some of the stiffness when we try to move them is due to immobility (after moving them for a bit the stiffness will go away).
Proprioceptive information- spindle sends more signals to spinal cord and makes a connect to contract the muscle. Muscle spindles can influence the stiffness of a muscle by depolarizing motor neurons. Stretching spindle with deep tendon reflex
Muscle resistance to stretch
1) active contraction (descending motor commands)
2) Proprioceptive information
3) Weak actin-myosin bonds
4) Titin
Number of sarcomeres adapts to length
muscles are dynamic- they respond to the position and stretch. Arm is put in a sling when out of commission. Body says those sarcomeres are always shortened and the brain remodels the arm to the structure it is stuck in. When trying to stretch the muscle titin gets stretched out and the muscle cant go any further. Leads to contracture. Body has to add sarcomeres.
Therapy- maintain stretch and body will put some sarcomeres back in to reduce the constant stretch of muscle.
Static- two muscles contracting at the same time (biceps and triceps will cocontract and lock joint in place)
Dynamic cocontraction- play one side of the body segment against another (pelvis) gluteus Medius swaying from side to side. adductors are contracting in both ways. One lengthening and one actively stretching under control to stabilize movement.
start in spinal cord and go out to a muscle, second in line. Has its cell bodies in the spinal cord and it synapses in a muscle.
Cell body pools
cell bodies in the ventral horn of spinal cord. (both horizontal and vertical organization of motor neurons).
Horizontally across any level of spinal cord the cell bodies that control core and proximal muscles are closer to the midline. Lateral cell bodies of motor neurons that make distal muscles contract are located more laterally in the ventral horn.
Anterior- cell bodies of extensors
Posterior- cell bodies of flexors
Vertical organization- All of the cells that contribute to controlling one particular muscle cluster themselves in a little pool. (vertical pool) each of the vertical tapered purple shapes. to a muscle or number of muscles.
Every spinal nerve contribute to more than one muscle besides the intrinsic of the hand. Every muscle gets input from more than one spinal nerve.
Representative muscle actions that are indicated by being represented by a spinal level (C5 best represents elbow flexion action). If patient able to flex elbow then C5 must be in tact
Lower motor neurons A-alpha and A gamma
connection of every spinal cord to every muscles has 3 neurons (2 are efferent and 1 is afferent)
At every level of the spinal cord we have an extrafusal LMN (A-alpha) and A-gamma is a smaller cell body that goes out to the muscle spindle (intrafusal muscles)
Afferent neuron- pseudounipolar and cell body in dorsal root (sensory part of a muscles spindle) is a Ia class fiber. Has a connection to a motor neuron at the same level.