chapter 13: flaw in reasoning Flashcards
common types of errors in reasoning
- uncertain use of term/concept
- source argument/ad hominem
- circular reasoning
- conditional reasoning errors
- mistaken cause/effect
- straw man
- lack of relevant evidence
- internal contradiction
- appeal fallacies
- survey errors
- exceptional cases/overgeneralization
- errors of composition and division
- false analogy
- false dilemma
- errors in use of evidence
- time shift errors
- numbers and percentage errors
uncertain use of term/concept
ex: equivocates with respect to a central concept.
ex: fails to define the term
source of argument/ad hominem
attacks the person/source or argument
ex: attacking the person and their actions or attacking the motive of the source
circular reasoning
assumes as true what is being proved
ex: conclusion = premise
conditional reasoning errors
ex: mistaken negation, mistaken reversal
*you must be able to see if it is mixing up necessary or sufficient term
mistaken cause/effect
- assumes casual b/c of a sequence of events (ex: mistakes temporal for casual or mistakes one thing happening first as casual)
-assuming casual b/c of correlation (ex: confusing coincidence)
-failure to consider alternate cause for the effect or both cause/effect
-failure to consider the reversed relationship
straw man
distorts or misinterprets argument
appeal falacies
- appeal to authority
-appeal to popular opinion/numbers - appeal to emotion
survey errors
- biased sample used
- survey questions are improperly constructed
-respondents lying
errors of composition and division
- involves assigning individual judgment to the group as a whole or vise versa
false analogy
analogy compares 2 things and is applied to different things
false dilemma
assumes only 2 options exist when there are more
errors in use of evidence
- lack of evidence tries to justify why it’s false
-lack of evidence tries to justify why its true
-thinks something is proved just b/c it is weakened
time shift errors
assuming future thigns b/c of past incidences
numbers and percentage erros
confuse percentage with whole