Chapter 13 Fire Hose Vocabulary Flashcards
Fire Department Connection (FDC)
Point at which the fire department can connect into a sprinkler or standpipe system to boost the water flow in the system. This connection consists of a clappered siamese with two or more 21/2 inch intakes or one large-diameter ( 4-inch larger).
Soft Intake Hose
Large diameter, collapsible piece of hose used to connect a fire pump to a pressurized water supply source ; sometimes referred to as soft sleeve hose.
Hard Intake Hose
A flexible rubber hose reinforced with a steel core to prevent collapse from atmospheric pressure when drafting; connected between the intake of a fire pump and a water supply and must be used when drafting. Also called hard suction hose
Threaded Coupling
Male or female coupling with a spiral thread
Nonthreaded Coupling
Coupling with no distinct male or female components. Also called Storz Coupling or sexless coupling.
Portion of a coupling that serves as a point of attachment to the hose
Higbee Cut
Special cut at the beginning of the thread on a hose coupling that provides positive identification of the first threat to eliminate cross-threading.
Higbee Indicators
Notches or grooves cut into coupling lugs to identify by touch or sight the exact location of the Higbee Cut
Storz Coupling
Nonthreaded (sexless) coupling commonly found on large-diameter hose.
Hose appliance with one female inlet and two or more male outlets, usually smaller than the inlet. Outlets are also usually gated.
Hose appliance used to combine two or more hoselines into one. The siamese generally has female inlets and a male outlet and is commonly used to supply the hose leading to a ladder pipe.
Water Thief
Any of a variety of hose appliances with one female inlet for 21/2-inch or larger hose and with three gated outlets, usually two 11/2 inch outlets and one 21/2-inch outlet.
Fitting for connecting hose couplings with dissimilar threads but with the same inside diameter.
Device that facilitates the connection of hoselines of different sizes to provide an uninterrupted flow of extinguishing agent
Adapter used to attach a smaller hose to a larger hose. The female end has the larger threads, while the male end has the smaller threads.
Spanner Wrench
Small tool primarily used to tighten or loosen hose couplings
Hydrant Wrench
Specially designed tool used to open or close a hydrant and to remove hydrant caps.
Hose Bed
Main hose-carrying area of a pumper or other piece of apparatus designed for carrying hose
Arrangement of hose usually placed on top of a hose load and connected to the end of the load. Also called Hose Load Finish
Extra fold placed along the length of a section of hose as it is loaded so that its coupling so that its coupling rests in proper position.
Accordion Load
Arrangement of fire hose in a hose bed or compartment in which the hose lies on edge with the folds adjacent to each other
Horseshoe Load
Arrangement of fire hose in a hose bed or compartment in which the hose lies on edge in the form of a horseshoe.
Fire Load
Arrangement of fire hose in a hose bed or compartment in which the hose lies flat with successive layers one upon the other.
(1) Attack hose connected to a discharge when the hose is loaded; this shortens the time it takes to deploy the hose for ire fighting. (2) Soft intake hose that is carried connected to the pump intake. (3) Hard hose or discharge hose carried connected to a pump, eliminating delay when hose and nozzles must be connected and attached at a fire.
Booster Hose/Line
Noncollapsible rubber-covered, rubber-lined hose usually wound on a reel and mounted somewhere on an engine or water tender and used for the initial attack and extinguishment of incipient and smoldering fires. This hose is most commonly found in 1-inch diameters and is used for extinguishing lowintensity fires and mop-up.
Split Lay
Hose lay deployed by two pumpers, one making a forward lay and one making a reverse lay from the same point
Acceptance Testing (Proof Test)
Preservice tests on fire apparatus or equipment performed at the factory or after delivery to assure the purchaser that the apparatus or equipment meets bid specifications.
Service Test
Series of tests performed on apparatus and equipment in order to ensure operational readiness of the unit. These tests should be performed at least yearly or whenever a piece of apparatus or equipment has undergone extensive repair